Ian pushed himself up, aware Elvira would ask him to get ready once she had finished changing anyway. He changed into his clothes as quickly as he could, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable in case she got in the room while he was still not decent. He was quick enough and she got in the room a while after he had gotten dressed to find him sitting at a chair, looking through the notifications of his phone. Ian got in the bathroom to get ready as she waited outside, looking through the notifications on her own phone. Natalie had sent her more texts than she could possibly count but after a while, she managed to get through them. She had just finished typing a response when Ian got in the room once more, looking as flawless as he always did. He sent her a smile she was convinced was mildly sarcastic.

"We should go to the dining room, love. Better not keep Hamilton and Amy waiting."

Her heart fluttered at the term of endearment as she sent him a smile and stood up, heading to the door. "I'm glad you see it my way."

"Could I really not? We live in the same room."

"That isn't a permanent establishment, no need to sound so disappointed," she teased as she opened the door and they got outside.

The way to the elevator was spent in silence, as was the ride and the walk to the dining room. It was comfortable, though, and neither of them seemed to mind. Upon entering the dining room, they both caught sight of Amy sitting alone at a table. They exchanged a look, took some breakfast and headed towards her.

"Good morning, Susan," she greeted her softly, "do you mind if we join you?"

"Not at all," she told them with a smile.

Elvira took the seat next to her. "Where's Andrew?"

"Oh, he just wanted to sleep some more and I thought I'd let him," Amy admitted.

Ian let out a small scoff as he sent a sideways glance at Elvira. "At least someone is lenient with their boyfriend."

"It's not like I kept you up," she huffed as she sent him a small glare, "if you needed to sleep more you should have slept earlier. Besides, we woke up only half an hour ago."

Ian narrowed his eyes at her but said nothing as he shook his head and turned his attention to his food. "Well, Susan, what about our plans with the arcade?"

"Andrew wouldn't miss that," she smiled slightly, "he assured me he'll join us here for breakfast first and then we can go to the arcade together."

"Sounds like a plan," Elvira nodded as she reached to take a sip from her orange juice. It was then Ian decided to place a hand on her arm. With the glass still by her lips, she sent him a questioning look but he was looking at his food.

"On your left, white trousers with black dots."

Amy seemed terribly confused as she looked where Ian had told Elvira. Elvira remained discreet as she took a sip from her orange juice, her gaze straying away before she turned to face him and let her glass on the table, a smirk playing in the corners of her lips.

"Hideous indeed. I don't see a reason anyone would wear a pair of trousers with dots like that."

Ian returned her smirk, "Exactly my thoughts."

Amy cleared her throat as she looked between them, "It wasn't that awful."

"There's no need for you to be polite," Elvira mused as Ian's smirk widened, "it's just us here."

Amy pointedly cleared her throat, "I'm not judgemental."

"A Madrigal," Ian turned to Elvira with a shrug. The two Lucians shared a knowing look and a nod before they both turned to Amy with sympathetic smiles. Amy's brows rose.

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