Triple H: That really means a lot to me Oliver. Go see your girlfriend son. Make sure you're on your best behavior tonight. I'm not trying to be a Grandpa any time soon.

I called Liv as I was walking out of the building.

Oliver: I'm leaving now babe. I'll be at the hotel in like 35 minutes.

Liv: I'm going to ride with Zack and Chelsea to the party I'll just meet you there.

Oliver: I'll be there as soon as I could.

I got back to the hotel around 9:15 and I took a quick shower and got dressed and then my Uber came and picked me up.

*An hour and a half later*

We've been stuck in traffic for about 45 minutes and haven't moved. I called Liv to let her know what was going on.

Oliver: I'm coming I promise.

Liv: Where are you?

Oliver: Stuck in the worst traffic ever. The universe is really trying me today.

Liv: At this rate you won't be here by midnight.

Oliver: I'll be there I promise.

Liv: Pinky promise?

Oliver: I pinky promise.

After I got off the phone with Liv I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11 pm . If we don't start to move I'm never going to make it.

Oliver: Hey buddy, how far away are we from the club we're going to?

Driver: I'd say 20 minutes away. The way this traffic is it's going to be about an hour.

Oliver: Damn.

Driver: Not trying to be nosy but was that your girlfriend you were talking to?

Oliver: Yeah, she's waiting at a party for me. It's our first New Year's together and we've had a really bad year. My daughter passed away earlier in the year and Gionna has been such a big help in helping me deal with it. Now she's going to be let down because my work meeting went too long.

Driver: Sorry to hear about your daughter. What do you do for work if you don't mind me asking?

Oliver: I'm a wrestler for WWE. I'm Oliver Pierce.

Driver: Holy shit, I thought that was you but you look a lot different from when you were last on TV.

Oliver: Yeah, I let my hair and beard go a little crazy.

Driver: What does your girlfriend do?

Oliver: You may know her. My girlfriend is Liv Morgan.

Driver: That's awesome. My daughter is a huge fan of hers. She always has a blue tongue and tells me that she looks just like Liv.

Oliver: That's awesome, there is nothing better than seeing kids getting excited for us.

I looked at the clock and it's now 11:15 pm.

Oliver: I appreciate the ride man but me sitting here isn't going to get me any closer to my girl. I'm going to take my chances and try to get there on foot.

I hand the guy $100

Driver: What's this for?

Oliver: Happy New Year's buddy. Thanks for getting me this close to my girl.

Driver: Good luck, hopefully you make it on time.

Oliver: I have to. I made her a pinky promise and I can't break that.

I got out of the car and started running down the side of the road.

*Liv POV*

I couldn't keep my eyes off of the clock. I looked up at it and it was 11:55. I'm sitting in the corner and I'm close to crying. This night was supposed to be special and Oliver isn't here.

Chelsea: What's wrong girl?

Liv: Ollie isn't here yet. It's almost midnight and I'm going to be alone.

Zack: You got us G don't be sad.

Chelsea: I'm sure he's going to be here in time.

Liv: Midnight is in 5 minutes he won't make it.

Zack: Have faith in my boy Liv. Ollie would never let you down.

Liv: Why are you smiling Chelsea?

Chelsea: Look behind you.

I turned around and saw Oliver run through the door. I took my heels off and ran to him.

*End POV*

Liv came running into my arms and the second I got her we started kissing. As we are kissing, we can hear everyone doing the count down.

DJ: 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. Happy New Year

At 12:01 we broke the kiss.

Liv: Damn we've been kissing since last year.

Oliver: That joke was so bad it sounded like something I would have said.

Liv: I had to get my jokes from somewhere.

Oliver: I told you I'd be here. I wasn't going to break my pinky promise.

Liv: I started to get worried.

Oliver: I'll always come through for you. Even if I have to run through Vegas to get to you. I made a promise to you that I'd be here and I wasn't going to break it.

Liv: You ran here?

Oliver: Yes. Traffic wasn't moving and I wasn't going to leave you alone. I would have walked 1,000 miles to be with you.

Liv: That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

Oliver: I do it because I love you.

Liv: I love you.

We kissed again

Oliver: If we we're in a movie right now I'm sure they'd be playing some kind of love song as we got reunited.

The DJ played another song and Liv and I both started laughing.

Liv: Please tell me you planned that out. Did you pay the DJ to play a love song?

Oliver: For once I had nothing to do with that.

Liv: That's kind of freaky.

Oliver: May I have this dance pretty lady?

Liv: You may.

I'm holding Liv close as we're slow dancing. I looked up and whispered to myself.

Oliver: Thanks for coming through kid. You knew I needed you and you came through for your old man. I love you and miss you. Happy New Year's Emma.

The song ends and Liv and I kiss. I grabbed her hands and got lost in her eyes for a moment.

Oliver: 2020 is going to be our year babe I just know it.

Liv: I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.

** This is the end of the 2nd book. I'm in the process of working on the 3rd and final one. Hopefully everyone enjoyed this one. Let me know your thoughts on it**

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