Now looking presentable to the dear esteemed guest, Taejun strode confidently to where the guests were currently waiting for the arrival of the young king with Jinho by his side. Pushing the door wide open, the guest all stood up and bowed their heads respectfully at the king as he walked in.

"You may raise your head," said Taejun.

Raising their heads slowly, they stood up to greet the king with a little bow. 

"Please, introduce yourselves"

The foreign guest looked at each other, confused at what the king said, not understanding the Korean language. 

"I don't think they understood what you said your majesty" whispering in Taejun's ears, Jinho tried to hold back a snicker at the king's naivety.


A female voice rang out in the entire room as Taejun turned his attention to the direction where the voice came from. Taejun didn't know why his heart seemed to flutter hearing that voice, but the voice was soft and sweet and when she spoke it was as if she was singing a lullaby.

But trying to find a face to match with the voice, Taejun failed to do so as the female guest's face seemed to be covered with the fan they had in their hand as they lined up behind the officials in front of him.

Finally understanding what the king meant, the guest spoke "I am Xun Xiang of China" even though he was speaking in broken Korean, nonetheless Taejun still understood what he meant to say. From the looks of it, Xun Xiang, a man in his thirties seemed to be witful and well respected by his people as he was dressed in fine clothing.

In return, Taejun only nodded at the official in front of him "Well then, shall we talk about the alliance now?" sitting down on the floor he was seated at the end of the table as Xiang and his company followed him suit while Jinho was standing beside Taejun.

Xiang looked behind him to a girl who was standing elegantly behind him, tilting his head to the king then back at her. Taejun stared at the interaction between them with interest when suddenly the girl finally spoke up.


Xiang nodded as he looked at the king, clearing his throat to finally give the details and plans of their alliance. But yet the king seemed to be distracted.

Hearing the girl speak somehow sent chills down Taejun's spine. Staring at the girl, he noticed she was quite tall for a girl with slender arms as she stood with proper posture as she  held the golden colored fan with her right hand. Wearing a scarlet qipao with golden dragons embroidered into it and her hair styled into a high bun with a headpiece to highlight it, even though the other females were wearing almost the exact same dress. 

She stood out from the rest as the others looked ordinarily plain but she looked as if she was part of royalty in the king's eyes.

With her face half covered by the fan, the only thing that was visible to him was her eyes but even then he couldn't take a good look at them as she stared at the floor. Jinho coughed lightly to get Taejun's attention but he continued to stare despite the light exaggerated cough he gave as a signal.

Bending down lightly, Jinho leaned in Taejun's ear "Your majesty, we are wasting time" he whispered.

Taejun tore his eyes away from the girl immediately not realizing he was staring at her so open like that. Clearing his throat to hide his embarrassment he motioned his hand to Xiang so that he could finally start what he was about to say.

For what seemed to be hours and hours that passed they were finally finished, they talked about the conditions of their alliance as the kingdom of Seorabeol promises to help China in any way and so did the country of China. Taejun did not speak Chinese and nor did Xiang know how to converse in Korean so it was quite hard for them to communicate well and convey their message to each other but through the girl who seemed to be the only one capable of understanding and speaking Korean they managed to finish up the alliance with a handshake.

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