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Time passed on after Tzuyu and Jisoo's heartfelt conversation, thirty minutes of rest and they were once called upon for another chore

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Time passed on after Tzuyu and Jisoo's heartfelt conversation, thirty minutes of rest and they were once called upon for another chore. This time both of them we're asked to clean the study with three other girls. Other than the sound of piling up scrolls on top of another, it was silent as they focused on the task at hand.

Whenever they we're out of the sights of the other girl who we're rather strict, they took their chance and would start small talks in a hushed tone. Tzuyu learned that Jisoo was four years older than her, so she started calling her 'unnie' out of respect for their culture and to Jisoo herself.

"You're saying his majesty wants you to teach him Chinese, privately? His majesty? The king himself?" Jisoo's eyes doubled the size as she stared at Tzuyu in shock, not quite believing what she told her.

Tzuyu could only nod bashfully at her, Jisoo covered her mouth hanging wide open as she gaped at the girl in front of her. Despite the king's bright and cheerful persona, he was quite a reserved person on the inside, and that Jisoo knew well since she's never seen the king talk to anyone rather closely to him other than his guard Jinho, Lady Jihyun, and his eunuch Jooyung.

"How did you get so close to his majesty in such a short time? I've been working here for seven years and his majesty and I have spoken to each other three times in a year and it's only a sentence"

Tzuyu chuckled at Jisoo's exaggerated comment and Jisoo immediately shushed her, reminding Tzuyu that they we're supposed to be quiet. Frankly, Tzuyu and Taejun weren't close but somehow they ended up spending more time with each other in such a short amount of time which baffled Tzuyu herself.

"I wouldn't say I'm close to him, and to be frank I probably shouldn't, he is the king after all" 

"But it's all right to at least befriend the king, from what I've seen he is one of the nicest people here" Jisoo had confidence gleaming in her eyes as she stated facts "Of course, as a king he also needs to be intimidating and scary but he is kind"

Tzuyu smiled, agreeing with every word Jisoo said to describe the young king. Remembering the memory of how the king suddenly turned serious as he stared down Jooyung and his men and the next thing she knew, he was back to being a bubbly yet awkward person.

He really was  unique.

Looking outside the window, Tzuyu could tell that noon was coming. The hue in the blue sky darkened a bit and the clouds that grouped together up above we're now scattered. If Tzuyu was to guess what time it was, she would say eleven. Her lips let out a sigh as she went back and focused on what she was tasked to. 

But at the back of her mind, she wished time would move along faster, so that she could see him once again.

It was eerily quiet as Tzuyu walked along the hallways, the pitter patter of her shoes could be heard loud and clear because of the quiet surrounding. She held her hands close to her heart, trying to calm down her nerves as she was just steps away from the king's study. 

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