"I see. In that case, I'm sorry for snapping at her. But I don't take my job lightly. I've been with the Godfrey's since I was a young woman trying to support myself. I didn't want to lose my job with the family that I have been part of through all the ups and downs," Anna explained.

"I know, Anna. Our family has seen more downs than ups. I'm hoping to change that," Roman said.

"How so Mr. Godfrey," Anna asked.

Roman leaned in closely, so that only Anna could hear. "I had taken a blood sample from Alyse. I gave Dr. Pryce the blood sample and told him to run test on it, to see if Alyse is pregnant with my child. I won't know the results until the next week or so. Fingers crossed that Alyse is carrying my child. If she is, I don't want anything stressing her out. I won't risk her losing the one thing that she and I can bond over together."

"Aren't you afraid of her reaction if she finds out she's with child? Aren't you afraid that she will do anything and everything that she can to miscarry this child," Anna asked.

"That is why I said I don't want anything stressing her out. That means watching her very closely; to make sure she doesn't put herself in any kind of situation that stresses her out," Roman explained.

"Right," Anna said before walking away.

Roman made is way up the stairs and found Alyse laying on the bed. "Well if you wanted another go, baby all you had to do was say something to me."

Alyse gave Roman a sad look, causing Roman's face to drop as well. "Didn't you get enough at the office?"

"Something is definitely bothering you. Was it the way that Anna had talked to you earlier? Because I had a talk with her about her attitude towards you. She said that she is sorry for that. Is that what is bothering you," Roman asked.

"No. I honestly don't give a damn how Anna acts towards me. Hell, I don't give a flying rats ass what she things of me; she's just a miserable bitch who feels the need to go around and make others miserable as well," Alyse said.

"Then what is it that is bothering you, if you don't mind me asking," Roman asked.

"Why do you feel the need to fuck me every chance you get? Is it because you're so used to fucking a different girl at any given opportunity? Or is there some other motive behind your actions that you're not telling me about," Alyse asked.

"Baby, I'm just so happy to have you back in my arms. Okay I won't lie here. Yes, I do make love to you every chance that I get, but that is only because I want the chance to start a family with you. This time around though you won't have to go through the pregnancy all on your own. I'll be there by your side, making sure you don't get too stressed out or do anything strenuous that would put you or our baby in harms way. I want to be able to experience everything along side you, so that way we can start this little journey of becoming a family together," Roman said.

"Roman we don't have any idea if whether or not I'm carrying your child right now. If I am carrying your child, I'm not going to be showing any signs of it for quite some time," Alyse said.

"Actually, we will know by next week. I took a bit of a blood sample from you; and I gave it to Pryce to run tests on it. I knew that if I had asked you to go to the White Tower willingly on your own, you would have refused to go. So if you're going to throw a fit about me going behind your back, to find out if you are pregnant with my child then go crazy now," Roman said.

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now