Seeing an old friend again

391 17 3

Third person perspective

(Y/n) paces back and forth her in room.  The debate as to whether she should accompany the Carnahans to Hamunaptra, furthermore getting themselves killed, or stay where she is and pray for their safe return.  To make matters worse, her alliance with the Medjai would be deeply effected.  "What to do, what to do, what to do?" Uttering to herself anxiously.   

She knew they would find a way to get to Hamunaptra.  On top of that she isn't wrong.  Jonathan and Evelyn were visiting the man who knows where to go as she paced in her room.

Cairo prison

"Welcome to Cairo prison, my humble home!" The warden, Gad Hassan, of the prison greets the siblings while they entered in arms linked.  Though they were arguing about the puzzle box throughout the tour.  "You told me you got it on a dig down in Thebes!" Evelyn scolded her brother, "Well, I was mistaken." He defended, "You lied to me!" Clearly upset with her brother, "I lie to everybody. What makes you so special?" He retaliates, "I'm your sister." She defends, "That just makes you more gullible." He argues.

With (Y/n)

The immensely frustrated woman lies on her bed face first.  Contemplating which of her options is best to take.  Her head lifts up, "If they go without me, chances of them making it back are slim." Crossing her arms under her chin, "But if I went, there's a possibly for us to make it back.  Therefore I can protect them from harm." Suggesting anything at this point, "They shouldn't be too much trouble, right?" Mumbling into her arms, "But then my alliance would go down the drain if I do this..."  She swiftly turns to sits up, "And yet.... Evelyn has a tendency to follow through with her plans.  With Ardeth waiting for them, her and Jon stand no chance...  It's Likewise their guide wouldn't be any different going against them!!!" She hops off her bed to pack her things "That's it." Practically tossing her empty luggage on her bed.  "I'm going with them!  Whether Ardeth likes it or not.  He should understand my reasoning... that is, if he allows me to explain so." She fills each bag with necessities such as: clothes, medical supplies, some water bottles, two of her daggers, a bit of her firearms, and lastly, a sword.  One provided by the Medjai during her training. 

It rises a guilt in her.  Months of their hospitality, yet, this is how she'll thank them? (Y/n) caresses the blade with uncertainty.  "Ardeth," She purrs a promising tone, "Do forgive me on what I am about to do." Sheathing the sword away, "However, for the sake of Jon and Evy, I will not allow you to take these lives." She zips, straps, loads etc her luggage.  "For that I must brake your condition." And when that, she was complete.  Completely ready for her adventure.  If one could even call it that. 


Now all she must do is get information from either Evelyn or Jonathan about when, where and what time they leave.  Which she knew shouldn't be hard.  Jonathan never could learn to keep a secret.  Especially for her.  Now, how to join them without Terrence knowing her plans.  Much less interfering. 

Unknown to (Y/n), her best friend was about to be hanged.

Gallows courtyard

Evelyn sat next to Hassan as they watched the hangmen wrap the noose over Rick's neck.

Anxious could've even begin to express how she was feeling.  What could someone like her do to help him in a situation like this? "I will give you one hundred pounds to save this man's life." She offers, "Madame, I would pay 100 pounds just to see him hang." He declines her offer.

"Any last request, pig?" The hanging man asks Rick, "Yeah, loosen the knot and let me go." He answers ironically, It was obvious he wasn't going to let him go.  Might as well go leaving a last bit of sarcasm! If Evelyn were to be unsuccessful, at least he'll reunite with her good ol' friend, (Y/n).

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