Consonants and their closest english sound

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K (g) as the K in "King" or the G in "Guy"

N as the N in  "Name"

T (d) as the T in "Toy" or the D in "Day"

R (l) as the R in "Rain" or the L in "Lily"

M as the M in "Mother"

P (b) as the P in "Pin" or the  B in "Book"

S as the S in "Speech"

Ng as the Ng in "King"

Ch (j) as the J in "John"

Ch' as the CH in "Church"

K' as the K in "Kite"

T' as the T in "Tank"   

P' as the P in "Pump"

H as the H in "High"

The correct pronunciation of five of these consonants (k,t,r,p and ch) is very subtle. To the ears of native english speakers, the k sound is closer to g, the t sound is closer to d, the r is closer to l, the p is closer to b and the ch is the best represented by the j sound.

Koreans who have become fluent in english say there are some sounds in the korean language that simply cannot be rendered into english phonetics. Fortunately, as with english and other languages, Korean spoken with an accent is still understandable.

There are six basic vowels in Korean alphabet, plus four Y vowels for a total of ten. Their approximate english sounds are:

A ah Ya yah O ow Yo Yow O oh U uu Yu yuu U oo I ee

The diphtongs and their approximate english sounds:

AE aa YAE yay E eh YE yeh OE oh-eh WI wee UI we WA wah WO wou WAE way WE weh

Hope you get some lesson about korean language just comment if you have some question.. :)

Next about korean greetings..

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