nouarry~ harry sick + chaos

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~Harry's p.o.v~

i didn't want to get up. i wasnt feeling too great last night and my boyfriends said to just sleep it off as we had a big day today. you see, we had to go and record loads of scenes for our 'this is us' movie coming out. i looked at the alarm clock which said 4:23 am. i didnt need to be up for another 6 hours but i knew better than to go back to sleep when im ill as it always results in me throwing up in my sleep. knowing Louis and Niall dont like being woken up so early, i got up and headed to the living room, surprisingly to be met with a tired looking Niall. i sighed and walked over to see he was awake,and said "hey babe you not going to bed yet?" to which he replied with a mumbled "no. I cant really sleep" "ok. well, baby, im not feeling too gre..." but i got cut off in the middle of my sentence with a deathly gag. "Haz? are you..." he said but i roughly nodded before running to the bathroom to throw up my dinner from earlier on that night. less than a minute later, Niall was behind me rubbing my back whispering comforting words to me, making me feel better.

15 minutes later, when i was sure i was finished, i tried to stand up to walk back to the living room, just to fall back to the floor weakly. "its ok Hazzy, i got you" Niall said picking me up and carrying me into the living room. on the way there, Niall picked up the sick bucket, a bottle of water and the thermometer and due to my lack of sleep,i began to fall asleep in Niall's arms. how he managed to do that when hes the same size as me is unknown to me. as soon as we got back to the living room, Niall gently laid me down on the sofa and I curled up into a ball and began to fall asleep and I heard him giggle and say "Hazzy, baby, no, you cant go to sleep yet. you feel like you are burning up. I need to take your temperature" I huffed and pouted, with teary eyes, looked into Niall's eyes, and since I get extremely clingy, said "you can take it if you get princess Louis to come cuddle with us" he chuckled but replied "deal" "and Nialler-bear?" "yeah my prince?" "can you turn the light off and get me some pain killers as I have a migrane" "sure babe, anything for you"

~Niall's p.o.v~

as soon as we got back to the living room, i gently laid my boyfriend Harry down on the sofa and he immediately curled up into a ball and began to fall asleep. I giggled and said"Hazzy, baby, no, you cant go to sleep yet. you feel like you are burning up. I need to take your temperature" he huffed and pouted, with teary eyes and looked into my eyes, and since he get extremely clingy, said "you can take it if you get princess Louis to come cuddle with us" i chuckled but replied "deal " "and Nialler-bear?" "yeah my prince?" "can you turn the light off and get me some pain killers as I have a migrane" "sure babe, anything for you" and with that I turned the light off so I headed up to Louis, Harry's and my room and gently shook Louis awake. when he looked up at me, he let out a sigh and shouted "WHAT NIALL! ITS TOO EARLY TO GET UP!!" to which Liam, and Zayn shouted "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SHOUTING FOR!!!! " and then we heard the four standing at our door. "dont worry guys the shouting definitely wont happen again"

 but Zayn responded "dont worry we're awake now. im going to the living room to watch tv, you coming Li?" to which Liam answered "yeah" and with that they walked away. as I went to tell Louis why I was waking him up, i heard a light switch flick. we both heard Harry scream and throw up, followed by Zayn running up the stairs and to our room "GUYS HARRY'S BEEN SICK. WE TURNED THE LIGHT ON AND HE THREW UP!!!" "AGAIN?!?!?" I replied as tears came down my cheeks. "HOLD UP!!! Ni, stop crying, calm down Nialler-bear, breath. what do you mean again?" Louis said with a hint of concern in his eyes. I began to cry harder at the nickname that Harry had called me 5 minutes previous as Louis took me into his arms "th-thats wh-why I came to w-wake you b-because he th-threw u-up. he said th-that he'd o-only let me take h-his temp-temperature if I got you up to g-give him c-cuddles" and with that he said "aww baby! if I had known, I would have woken up. I am so sorry that you had to deal with that on your own. come here. lets go down to Haz together and cuddle up to a movie yeah?" he said before continuing.

 " the boys can join us since they are awake now." "ok..." I began. I didn't tell Vik that the real reason I hadn't gone to bed was because I felt like throwing up and now Louis is going to have two to look after as I was about to throw up. "Ni, you ok buddy?" Zayn said. I shook my head and ran past him to the bathroom in Liam's room as it was the closest and I didn't want to throw up on my way to another one.

Zayn's p.o.v

"you go to Harry I will help Niall" I said, smiling sadly at Louis who was on the verge of crying by now. thats when he broke down crying. sure, we'd seen each other cry before, being best friends, you witness everything between each other. but this... this was a whole new side to Louis which I had never seen before. I ran over to him and held him, deciding to text Paul and Lou, being the two most mature people in the house in the right frame of mind, telling them to see to Niall, and Liam to keep seeing to Harry. then I remembered. Carrie-Jane could help Liam, since Harry is a struggle when you look after on your own.   I decide to phone Liam and say "Li? babe, I called Carrie-Jane to help you while Paul and Lou look after Niall" "Zayn? who is that crying?" "dont worry princess. bye" I said and hung up "Lou? whats bought this on then, huh? whats got you this shaken up?" "H-Harry and Ni-Niall are both ill. I cant help them because they dont know that I cant handle sick and I cant handle being sick myself, and now that they know i'm weak, they wont want me anymore. a-a-and th-ey w..." 

he started to have a panic attack and I didn't know how to deal with them, only Sarah did. thankfully she was just walking up the stairs after getting some water and hearing the commotion. "sarah!" I shouted no reply. "SARAH!" I tried again to which she shouted "WHAT!!" "LOUIS IS HAVING A FLIPPING PANIC ATTACK AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!" shouting so much was not such a good idea as I have asthma and my chest began tightening and I fell to the floor struggling for breath just as Sarah walked in "SHOOT! not you aswell Zayn? ok" she said followed by "JOHN! ZAYN IS HAVING AN ASTHMA ATTACK" and John came running with my pump "ok buddy, calm down. you're ok. you're ok. take a breath for me mate. come on." I took a breath of my pump, and another and began to breath normally again. I was still slightly panicking so John took my hand and placed it on his heart "Zee, feel the rhythm of my heart and try to copy it ok? thats it breath just breath" as my breath evened out, I began to fall asleep however, as my bedroom was taken up, John lifted me and took me to his room to sleep.

Sarah's p.o.v

"SARAH!" Zayn shouted to which I replied "WHAT!!" "LOUIS IS HAVING A FLIPPING PANIC ATTACK AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!"as Zayn shouted all of this, I got slightly concerned as he has really bad asthma and I know what happens when hes in bad situations and shouts even one sentence so I wasn't surprised when he fell to the floor struggling for breath as i walked in "Zayn breath ok" i said followed by "JOHN, ZAYN IS HAVING AN ASTHMA ATTACK" and John came running with his pump. back to the task at hand, Louis panic attack. "hey Lou, its Sarah. can you try to take a deep breath for me?" I said taking his hand and kneeling in front of the 3 day younger boy "breath buddy." I placed his hand upon my heart and said "Louis, buddy? feel the beat of my heart? a bit like Zayn is doing with John right now? I want you to copy what he's doing, but I want you to talk to me as you do so ok? dont speak, just nod if you can do that ok?" to which he nodded. "ok Lou, how was your day today?" he took a deep breath and said "I-it wa-as r-rea-ally g-goo-od" 

"ok, buddy, keep going. are you looking forward to your birthday next week?" "b-but yo-our bir-irth-thday is b-efore mine" "I know, but you can still be excited for your birthday cant you? and besides, I dont mind staying my age now. I dont want to get older" I laugh "t-rue. I guess I a-am kinda excited. but I dont wanna celebrate my birthday till I know my boyfriends are ok" "well they seem ok for now, but they should be over it in 2 days most." "I guess. but we'll have to put the recording on hold as I cant go in this state, nor can Zayn, clearly but then hes always a mess, but then there's Harry and Niall" I laugh at his joke about Zayn then I realized. he's breathing fine again "I should probably see to my boyfriends now" Louis said "nah. you're tired you need to sleep. Paul, John, Carrie-Jane, Liam and I will take care of them while you sleep." "no. I've let them down enough I need to look after them Sarah. I ne..." "no buts Louis, they'll still be here when you wake up" "ok mummy " he smirked. thats what my girlfriend calls me in bed and when I act like her mum when I command or insist and Louis knows I hate the name. 

when he sees me frowning, he gives me puppy dog eyes and says "sorry Sarah." I cant help but melt when any of the boys give puppy dog eyes and say "sorry Sarah" because its actually genuine. well not Liam's, but the other 4 are

so sick (one direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora