Chapter 3 Thunder, Tears and Comfy Clothes

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5:57 my alarm clock on my bedside table read. Damn it! I was going to be late for school. As I ran around my room frantically getting ready I kept wondering why Kennedy, Lia or Joe hadn't woken me up. I was half way down stares when I stopped cold. Kennedy was always my ride to school. We had no bus since we lived too far away. Lia and Joe were both in college.
"Well, crap. Isn't this just a fabulous way to start the day."
I kept on with my little conversation to myself as I walked into the kitchen. For once I liked what I was wearing today. Normally, I didn't like to show off my body, it made me uncomfortable with people staring at me. I knew it sounded weird but it was true. Today though, since I was already going to be late, I decided to dress nicer than usual. I had on a long sleeve creme colored shirt, with black leggings , black toms and my hair just left down and natural. I sat down on the counter, trying to figure out how I was going to get to school, in... 45 minutes. I groaned out loud. This was not the way to start finals week. Well if I walked I could get there around lunch. As soon as the thought occurred, the rain outside reminded me of what a bad idea that would be. Mum and Dad would kill me if I missed a day of finals. I always got straight A's. Just like my parents wanted me too. A low voice ripped me from my thoughts, making me just about jump off the counter.
"Jeeze Tay calm down." Dylan laughed as he walked into the kitchen, away from the wall he was leaning against. How had I not seen him? How had I not heard him in my house?
"How did you get in?" I asked, slightly nervous because I had never been alone with Dylan. Yet, why did I feel myself get a little excited by that fact?
"Kennedy told me he set your clock back to get his revenge. I figured you'd need a ride to school."
He stood in front of my knees, as I still sat on the counter. I felt my heart beat faster.
"Well, thank you."
I looked up into his eyes. Dark brown, almost in a sense shy, and mysterious. A shiver ran down my spine. Neither of us talked, the silence seeming unbreakable. I looked at the rest of his features. How his hair was perfectly messy, the hardness to his jaw, and those lips. Those pink, perfectly soft looking lips. Even though I was completely engrossed in looking at Dylan, I was very well aware when he rested his hands against the counter top, on either sides of my hips. With doing so, Dylan's head was now at my height. He leaned forward, close enough that his breathe tickled my lips.
"We should get going." He whispered softly, stepping back. Quickly I hoped down, and followed Dylan out to his car.
•••••• •••••• ••••••

I sat numbly, looking at the clock. I had finished my last exam, and had been excused to the library for the rest of the day. I couldn't get Dylan out of my head. The way his eyes trapped my mind, clouding my thoughts to the point where I could comprehend simple things anymore. Why did a boy i barley knew have that effect on me? I sat against the wall, with my head on my knees thinking about Dylan until somebody sitting down next to me, pulled me into reality. I looked up, surprised to see who it was.
"Am I not allowed to be in your presence?" Dylan joked.
"I just wasn't paying attention." I said I a feeble voice.
"What? Couldn't stop thinking about me?"
I felt my face start to burn. He had nailed exactly what I was thinking about. Thank god my voice didn't betray me as I answers in a level tone.
"You wish."
Dylan rested his head back against the wall, as he continued to talk.
"So it seems your brother is intent on full revenge on you."
I looked over at him, confusion clearly written on my face.
"He left you here."
Well carp, now I had ok way home, and I wasn't about to ask Dylan for a second ride. That would be ride. Epically because I had only spent about an hour alone with him in my life. I put my head ack on my knees as I began racking my brain as to who might be willing to give me a ride. Dylan stood up.
"Come on."
I looked up, "What?"
"Well, unless you want to stay here, I suggest you get up."
I stood up and walked over to where Dylan stood. His was much taller then me. Being 5'4 and in junior year kinda sucked. •{see authors note}• Especially when the person you are talking too has to look down to meet your gaze.
"You're offering me a ride?" I asked, surprise laced in my voice.
"I was headed there anyways."
We walked out to the parking lot together.
I let my head fall back against the head rest as I clutched at my stomach in laughter. Dylan was hilarious. From the surface he seemed closed off and shallow, but as soon as we had started the dirty five minute drive to my house, he had pulled jokes that made me cry.
I couldn't stop laughing as we rolled to a stop at the light.
"What?" Dylan laughed.
"I still can't believe that you actually did that."
"I'm a nice person, of course I did."
A clap of thunder sent me jumping in my seat, mid laugh. I hated storms. Every since that night. The night that my life crumbled before my very eyes. I couldn't help it as I started shaking in my seat. Dylan's laughter died as the sight of me.
"Taylor, hey calm down." He said calmingly as he reached over and gripped my shoulder.
My mind was racing.
No. No. No. No. No. This could not happen in front of Dylan, a guy I barley knew. A guy who was friends with my brother. I pulled my legs up to my chest and closed my eyes, willing myself to calm down. I didn't notice when Dylan pulled off to the side of the road and turned the jeep off. I didn't notice until I felt him pull me against his side, whispering that it would be okay. I let my head rest against his chest as I tried to stop shaking. Another boom of thunder had me grabbing at my hair.
"Hey, no, don't do that to yourself. Shh it's going to be okay." Dylan whispered softly into my ear. Carefully, he pulled my hands from my hair. Yet more thunder, and I couldn't stop myself as I grabbed onto his shirt for dear life. Dylan subsided from one arm hugging me and wrapped both of his strong, muscular arms around me, pulling me onto his lap. I could think lucidly. Normally I would have been embarrassed to sit in a guys lap, or even be like this in front of one, but at the moment, none of this occurred to me. Years formed in my eyes and started to roll down my checks, staining Dylan's plain white shirt. Each breath I took was shaky, but Dylan's scent was intoxicating and soon I had stopped shaking and could take almost even breaths. Everything about him calmed me down. Finally, I stopped shaking and crying, slowly I pulled away from Dylan's chest to look up at him. I knew he was going to be mad, weirded out at me. When I met his eyes, he was already looking at me.
"I-I'm so sorry."
I started to extract my arms, which I had only a moment ago had wrapped around his torso in a death grip.
"Taylor, no don't be. Are you okay?"
He pulled me back into his lap once again, taking away any chance of me sitting back in the seat next to him for the time being.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you didn't want to deal with that, i'm sorry that just happened."
I couldn't believe that I had just broken down like that I front of Dylan. Him of all people!
"Taylor. Stop."
His voice sounded serious, all calming whispers gone. I hadn't seen him this way, and it scared me. I looked up.
"Okay, I don't know what that was that just happened, but what ever it was obviously wasn't something you tried to do. Just stop beating your self up about it. It's not your fault. Please stop." His voice was low, and quiet.
"Okay. I will."
I wrapped my arms around him once again, and hugged him. Every ounce of me said not to, but my heart was louder than my thoughts for once. Thankfully, I felt his arms warp around me as he hugged back.
"What was that about?"
Dylan asked softly as he drove the rest if the way to my house. I closed my eyes tightly, thankful that the thunder and rain had stopped.
"Dylan, can we please not talk about what happened? To anyone?"
It was silent the rest of the way home.
"Kennedy! You are a dead man!"
I shouted as soon I had walked inside, Dylan on my heels. I heard his chuckle from the living room. I stalked into the room, hands on my hips, ready to begin my verbal attack, but stopped. Gretchen Thompson was sitting in my brothers lap, trailing her fingers across his jaw, and playing with the hem of his shirt.
"Oh, Taylor, this is Gretchen. My girlfriend."
I glared at the bitch who sat in my brothers lap, acting like she fucking owned him.
"Hey Tay." Her sickly sweet voice made me want to throw up.
"When did you two start dating?" I quipped. Gretchen turned around, facing Kennedy.
"Gosh babe how long have we been dating?" She chirped as she ran her hands along his chest, making me want to do nothing more than vomit.
He chuckled; "A while."
Gretchen was a total bitch. She went to my friend Malia's school. We had met Gretchen at a party, she practically hooked up with every guy. She was a total slut. Dylan, who had follows me, had bumped into my back because of how quickly I stopped. Now he stood behind me, obviously not sure what exactly to do.
"Aw! Are you like a thing?"
Dylan and I both wiped around to stare at Gretchen. Even Kennedy, who a moment ago was about ready to go into full blown make out right there, stared at Gretchen. I felt my throat tighten and go dry. Thankfully, Dylan answered for the both of us.
"Gretchen, of course we are-"
Kennedy cut him off before he could finish.
"You better not be fucking dating my sister!"
"Let me finish ya jack ass." Dylan retorted in a deathly calm voice.
"Of course we aren't dating. That's what I was trying to say." As Dylan and Kennedy continued their conversation with Gretchen shoving herself into it, I slipped away, and up to my room.
As soon as the door closed, I dropped my book bag on the floor. I just hoped to God that Dylan kept his word and didn't tell Ken about earlier. I threw myself onto my bed, and curled into a ball. I was so emotionally done with today. My brain was numb from finals, and my mind was a mess from breaking down in front of Dylan like that. Suddenly I could stand what I was wearing and raced into my walk in closet. Mum and Dad worked at big companies and seemed more marry to their own jobs than each other and our family. I grabbed a pair of hot pink sleep shorts, a black tank top, seeing as I defiantly wasn't going back down stares again tonight and black fuzzy socks. I yanked my hair into a messy bun and sat back down. Finally comfortable.

Who hooo! So chapter 4 is even longer so it's taking one to write. So the little thing that says authors note is because Dylan in 5'11 just for those wondering. Things are really staring to pick up and I can finally start to write this how I want to and ugh! Hope you like it! Keep voting and commenting! Love you guys!

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