Don't Tell Them Anything

72 1 5

"Dead plants."

ig progression of relationships goes

1. Blue dating Punkish

2. This

3. Blue dating Brave

1. Kitten Light wandering aimlessly, lonely and without a permanent home, switches between kitten and human form when convenient

2. This

3. Req takes him in/kidnaps him

don't rape people

Light waited on sidewalk outside the local elementary school. He'd never been to school, being that he had no home and no parents that he could remember. His aimless wandering had taught him everything he knew, and he was fluent in several languages thanks to it.

This "Blue" person had said they'd take him on a date. All that mattered to Light was that he'd get a meal out of it, if he played his cards right.

Someone honked at him, waving. Must be Blue.

He made his way over, and Blue smiled at him. "Ready for some fun?"

Light nodded, shy to speak. He quietly slipped into the car.

"We're going to that fancy restaurant a couple streets down. Sound good?"

Light nodded again. He knew that restaurant. He rummaged in the trash for scraps in his kitten form. There was one staff member who was kind to him, his name was... L... L... he couldn't remember. He was tall, really tall. Tall, but very kind. That waiter brought him food whenever he saw him.

Feeling awkward in human form, he mumbled, "I-I don't have very much money on me..."

Sure, he had some cash...

He had two methods of surviving.

In kitten form, he could rummage for food and such, and being adorable, people would pity him and give him attention when they saw him.

His other method, in human form... he sold his body. It was so degrading, pretending to be such a willing toy for people he knew he wouldn't ser again. People would just throw cash at him, promise an extra tip if he'd just take two cocks at once, or if he'd just take a little rough handling, or if he'd just let them mark him up a little.

It was so pathetic, the dirty compliments he received making him feel so good.

"Such a good ass~"

"Nngh~ Tight throat~ More~"

"Show me that pretty face~"

They were worthless, but the praise, even for dirty deeds, was so gratifying.

Even if they couldn't possibly "love" him as anything more than a satisfying hole, a fun new toy, he was a whore for the shallow attention he received.

"Don't worry," Blue's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Food's on me!"

Light smiled sweetly, feigning as though he wasn't relieved beyond comprehension. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! Here we are."

Light stepped out of the car, slightly intimidated by the up class restaurant. He wasn't dressed too fancy, but Blue didn't seem to mind.

Blue led him inside, and they were seated immediately due to Blue having placed a reservation beforehand. The soft leather seats were heavenly to his dully aching body. Everything hurt so much all the time that he could no longer tell what really hurt or if he was just tired.

In that moment, he felt invigorated by being in such comfort.

A server came, L... Lance! It was him.

The blond didn't recognize him, of course, but was very friendly. Light shyly spoke up in German, as that was the language Lance spoke to him in when he was in kitten form. He asked how Lance was doing.

Lance was obviously surprised, but excited. They continued their conversation of quick pleasantries before reverting back to English. Once Lance left with their order, Blue turned to Light.

"Are you German?" he asked with interest. Light shook his head, fearful of what he might say.

Blue continued, trying to spark more response from Light. "Do you speak any other languages?"

"A few."


Light shrugged, blushing.

The meal continued like that, Light keeping up his guard while Blue made conversation.

After a wonderful meal, Light was in higher spirits. When Blue offered to get them drink in the upstairs bar, he agreed.

Once drinks were involved, Light was more talkative, though he wouldn't talk about himself.

He got more and more intoxicated as the night wore on, and Blue was saying things and Light was starting to feel warm with a pleasant buzz. He felt aroused as well, like he wanted things... sex...? Yes, sex sounded divine. He couldn't handle it, Blue's fingers dancing up his thigh~ He wanted more.

Blue stood up and so did he, draping himself on the taller blond. "Mmmh... Blue... I bet you're delicious~" he slurred, grabbing the man's ass. He could feel Blue rubbing and groping his thighs, toying with the waistband of his pants. Common sense began to peek out and he forced himself to pull away.

"I-I think I'm tired," he stammered, trying to backtrack everything he'd just done.

"You can crash at my place," Blue offered, so kind. Light nodded and off they went.

He fell asleep in the car. When he woke up, he could only assume he was at Blue's place. Still mildly intoxicated, he stroked his half hard cock.

He felt pressure there, not his own.


He grinned seductively, his mind somewhat fuzzy.

Afterword, he could barely remember what had happened. Even during, he couldn't quite think straight.

What is this?

He couldn't discern whether it felt nice or not. He was making noises. Screaming. Why? Good or bad?

It was starting to scare him.

Something... he could feel something...?

Dull pain in his lower body, like someone was punching through him. He couldn't see.

He was scared now.

He started to squirm, but ah- hit? Someone was hitting him? More screaming. Him, him and someone else. He was crying, why?

Pain. Pain. No more. No more.

He couldn't move, everything hurt. So much pain...

...No more.

He didn't remember passing out, and he couldn't figure out why he was back in some alleyway, still in human form. It hurt to move, and he examined his body.

He sighed, finding cuts and bruises all over himself. And... hickeys?


In horror he realized the wet feeling he had.

So that's what happened.

Light wept uncontrollably, praying that he was just imagining the all too familiar sensation of being filled with cum.

It was one thing for him to be paid, and offer himself, but this was unforgivable. He vowed to avoid Blue at all costs.

So hard to stay awake... So dizzy...

He allowed himself to slumber once more.

to be continued because I fucking feel like it

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