I'm Invincible

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Asvaldur was being an annoying fucktard as usual.

He'd been arrested for abusing his son and was now facing life in prison. He'd lost everything.

It was just after the holidays, and he found that he finally had a visitor...?



Edge's jaw clenched, but he did not retort. Tensely, he replied civilly, "Asvaldur."

Asvaldur was taken aback by Edge's blatant disregard of their familial ties. He'd always called him Father.

Behind him, his accursed significant other appeared. Asvaldur caught the glint on Edge's finger as the couple clasped hands.

"MARRIED?" he exploded, a fit of rage taking over. "You absolute-"

"No!" Edge cut him off, blinking back tears. "You're not my fucking father. You have no right to treat me as a son. I'm not a child, Asvaldur, and I'm far stronger than that weak, helpless child you destroyed all those years ago."

Lance was glaring daggers at his father in law, but Asvaldur was furious. "You think you can ruin me, then disobey me and continue contact with that disgusting vagabond?"

"YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT MY HUSBAND!" Edge shrieked, slamming his hand down on the counter of the booth. If there was no glass between him and his father, he's sure he would have strangled him.


"I won't come back. Oh, and Mama will never visit you. Never! She abhors you, Asvaldur Winskill. You will never see her again. I bid you farewell, and may you rot in the eighth circle of hell where you belong," Edge hissed uncharacteristically icily, before storming off with Lance.

That hurt.

Asvaldur stared after him, realizing that he'd just seen his beautiful wife's face for the last time. It only occurs to him now. Edge and Fairy looked so similar besides their gender. Edge had inherited his mother's gorgeous ginger hair, and her delicate nose and warm smile. He had the same laugh, the one that made everyone around join in.

He had inherited Asvaldur's blue-green eyes, expressive and ocean like. Stormy and cold in anger, shining and bright in happiness.

The last of his beloved wife that he'd seen was in his son's face.

The same son he broke.

Asvaldur laid his face in his hands.

He loved Fairy so hard to make up for the aching void in his heart where Janna was, but his daughter could in no way replace his wife. Fairy only filled most of his heart, covering the surface of the gaping hole where Janna should've been.

He loves her to this day, but she would never act the slightest bit affectionate towards him since Edge was born.

He misses her so damn much.

His only possessions in his cell are two photos. One of him and Janna, and one of his family.

The one with Janna was from when they were freshly out of high school, and they were so happy and carefree.

Janna loved him, and that's all that mattered.

What broke him was that first time after he'd hit her, he tried to kiss her.

It had been a few days since the incident, so he thought things were cool between them...

That was not so.

Her eyes were filled with so much fear as she dodged him...

He'd been haunted by that image ever since, knowing deep down that he'd never get back the girl he loves so dearly.

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