The girl who stared back at me had her blonde hair scrunched up in a mess of tangles near the back of her head, the waves from the night before still slightly visible within the mess. Her gray eyes squinted back at mine, full of a deep exhaustion, her eyelids heavy with sleep and dark from lack of sleep. Not a spot of makeup was present as she had rushed to leave her apartment before and decided not to put any mascara on which she only did occasionally. Her lips were cracked and dry. A faint red streak stretched across her face, an imprint left from the pillow she had slept on. She looked like a zombie.

I sighed as I quickly ran my hands through my hair, yanking and pulling at the snarls. I attempted to get it to lay a bit more naturally before turning the sink back on and flushing my face with the cool water. I gargled some water and spit it back into the sink as I prayed that my breath wasn't as bad as I thought it was. After using a soft gray towel to dry off my face and faintly wondering if it was Harry's, I pulled out chapstick from my jeans and brushed it across the desert that my mouth had become. I ran my fingers through my nest of hair once more, rubbing at the red pillow crease on my face before sighing and heading out of the room. That's as good as it was gonna get.

I tiptoed down the hall and peered into the kitchen. No one. I spotted the couches in the spacious family room and heard faint snoring. Aw. I made my way slowly, making sure to stay quiet. My feet savored the soft carpeting as I surveyed the sleeping boys.

Liam was curled up in a ball, clinging to Niall's arm. His legs were tucked up on the couch and his eyelashes brushed against Niall's shoulder. Niall was a different story. His limbs were spread out and his mouth was wide open as he snored a bit louder than the others, his head resting on Louis' chest. Louis' legs were hanging off of the edge of the couch and his arms rested behind his friends' heads. They were adorable. I frantically searched for my phone, sensing a picture opportunity, before I abruptly stopped at the sight in front of me.

His hair draped across his sleeping face, ruffled from sleep. His long legs spilled over the small loveseat, his arms tucked around his waist. His mouth was slightly open as he breathed deeply. His angelic features looked so peaceful and serene. A feeling I couldn't describe bloomed in my chest and flowed through my veins. He had slept on the extremely tiny couch so I could sleep in his bed. Wow. I honestly had no words. I don't think anyone has ever done anything like that for me ever before.

I shook myself out of my thoughts, considering what I should do next. I could just leave. But then I would feel awful since they had done so much and I wanted to say goodbye. I glanced at the kitchen, playing around with the idea of waking them up with breakfast. Then I remembered how little food Harry had and the fact that I was complete rubbish at cooking and would probably burn something. Like, the entire kitchen. I sighed, realizing there was only one other thing I could do.

I softly padded over to the couch Harry was asleep on and secured one of his locks of hair between two of my fingers. Slowly and carefully, I brushed it down his nose and across his chiseled jaw. His nose slightly twitched. I felt myself smiling as I continued to trace his features with the dark strand. His breathing halted and his hands made their way to his face, brushing his hair away. I was about to do it again when his large hand caught my wrist lightly. His eyes fluttered opened and I was reminded of their beauty as they stared back into mine.

A small smile played on his lips, "Good morning." His voice was deep and raspy from lack of water. I felt my own mouth run dry.

"Mornin'," I returned, letting the soft curl drop from my hand.

"Did you sleep well?" he questioned, releasing my wrist and stretching out his crunched frame. Cracks followed as his body protested at the position he had slept in the night before.

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