Chapter 5

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i had a dream so big and loud

i jumped so high i touched the clouds

no, please don't wake me now

this is gonna be the best day of my life

~best day of my life by American Authors


Four words.

Liam. Louis. Niall. Harry.

Four more.

One. Direction. Same. Room.

The last four.

I. Am. Not. Breathing.

At the moment, I couldn't tell which four words were the most important.

The room filled with an awkward silence as we all continued to stare at one another, the only noise coming from the kitchen faucet that was still on. Harry slowly switched it off. 

Niall. Niall Horan. Right in front of my face in all of his Irish glory. I can't believe I had almost run smack into him. Noticing how close we still were, I blushed a bit and took a small step back. Not that I wanted to. His blue eyes pierced into mine and I thought for the second time about the fact that I really was not breathing. I took in a gulp of air as I glanced away from those intense eyes and saw Louis. He was looking back and forth between Harry and me, his hair loosely falling into his shockingly blue eyes. His eyebrows were quirked up in confusion. Those somehow perfect eyebrows. I was mildly curious if he got them done professionally, then figured that he probably did. I almost asked him when my eyes wandered to the last person in the room. My heart literally stopped.

There he was. His sharp jawline was lightly covered with scruffy facial hair surrounding his lips and leading into his hair. It was pushed back into its effortlessly flawless quiff. He turned from staring at Louis and his eyes met mine. They swirled with different colors of brown, ranging from deep chocolate to a light hazel. His lips pulled up into a slight smile and I resisted the urge to sigh aloud. For about the hundredth time in the last minute and a half, I had to remind myself to breathe. I had dreamt about him on countless occasions and had always tried to picture what it would be like when we first met. I NEVER thought it would happen in the middle of Harry Styles' kitchen. My heart was excessively pounding against my chest.

I still couldn't believe it. Liam Payne. In the flesh. Mere feet away. Looking straight at me. Give me a couple seconds while I die.

Harry broke the silence finally, saying with a pointed look, "This is Samantha." The boys' eyes all filled with recognition at that, all of them fully turning towards me. One Direction reacted to my name. One Direction knew my name. One Direction was standing right in front of me. All of their eyes were on me. Hotness overload. Breathe. 

"Oh, Sammy! Well, it's nice to finally meet you," Louis said in his cute little accent, walking towards me. I still hadn't moved. Sammy? Louis Tomlinson had given me a nickname?!

"Yeah, a pleasure," Niall said as well, his Irish accent strongly showing. He smiled at me and I tried not to collapse.

"Hey," Liam breathed faintly. I faltered a step and ended up gripping the edge of the countertop. I felt Harry's eyes on me and glanced at him. His eyes were an intense deep green as he scrutinized my every move, analyzed my reactions, a slight look of amusement on his face. A tinge of anger made its way through me as I juggled the other strong emotions that were trying to take control. I allowed the anger to surge, deciding this was the easiest emotion to deal with at the moment and would prevent me from embarrassing myself in front of these beautiful people as I fangirled. 

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