Chapter 8

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I finally arrive at Nicki's home, we picked her up and I quickly put on one of her bikini's. We get back in the car and go to Zayns house. "So Adam, y/n told me you're apart of this family band, what do songs do you guys perform?", "well Nicki, we make more of like pop rock songs" Nicki laughs and says "okay, that kinda fits you guys good I guess, I can't imagine you guys being a hiphop band.." Adam laughs it if but stays silent for the rest of the car ride.

We finally arrive, the door is open so we just walk straight inside. There a tons of people dancing but we just go outside to the pool, they're playing loud songs which I don't know, but I liked them. We all get some drinks, first we take some shots, Adam doesn't usually drink but he made an exception. After we few shots  my view starts being more blurry and things are funnier than usual.

Nicki and I walk back inside leaving Adam alone, we find some of the stoners and sit with them. They are actually so nice! They pass us a joint, we definitely won't pass. Nicki goes first, she coughs after breathing in then I go. I pass the joint to the other people and we go away again.

Nicki is going to the toilet and I'm searching Adam again. I can't find him anywhere so I decide to call him, he's not picking his phone up so I'll check outside. There I found him sitting on the sofa, he looks tired but the night has just begun, this is going to be such a long night I say to myself..

Adam Jones x y/n storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt