Agent Flentt - short verison

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On a more positive note, Eloe is an incredibly charismatic individual, able to shift her tone and manner to reflect what is required for the situation. She's innately likeable and is able to inspire warmth, trust and confidence in most she come into contact with. Her intuitive understanding of how others conduct themselves helps her find a way to get along with most people. She's a fantastic listener, she listens more than she speaks because she's got a genuine interest in what others have to say. She speaks with eloquence and forms questions to get the person talking more, this also acts as a form of self-defence for her. She focuses on the other person, so they're thinking about themselves rather than her, it can make people feel valuable and important when she does this, so she doesn't feel bad about doing it. Despite being very good at masking her emotions, Eloe often finds them having an influence in her decisions and she's grateful she's so driven by emotion. She fears without her emotions and ability to act on them, she'd be nothing more than a tool for people with more power than her to use. Having no emotions or freewill scares her more than dying, so she will fight to the end to keep them. Eloe is very tolerable and patient of others and their opinions, even when they contradict her own. She's decently intelligent, often described as being 'street-smart' to which Eloe would disagree and state it's just common-sense. She's diligent and hardworking, she knows people underestimate her, mainly because of her height, so she enjoys being able to show that she's a force to be reckoned with.

Eloe spends a lot of her working life as 'someone else', so to make sure she doesn't lose herself into one of her carefully-crafted alter-egos. She likes to remember her past and although it can be painful, it helps Eloe remember who she is. She's slightly overconfident in her abilities and her ability to adapt to anything, she truly believes she'll be able to survive Shepard's suicide mission and simply sees it was another mission, though doesn't make her overconfidence known to others. Although Eloe is completely comfortable being in the centre of attention, she prefers to be on the sidelines. She feels it's easier to spot potential threats when she hasn't got everyone watching her, and honestly she just enjoys watching and observing the banter of the Normandy crew. Even with her reserved nature, the whole crew is aware of how stubborn Eloe is, it surprises her how fast that got around. She's lonely and she knows she is, but she's reluctant to allow others to get to know her because she knows she'll only hurt them when she has to say goodbye at the end of the mission. She's learned it's not safe for her to have friends in her line of work, they're a liability so Eloe prefers to have allies with little emotional attachment than to friends, it's safer for everyone that way. Despite this reluctance, she doesn't enjoy being on her own for too long, her mind tends to travel to miserable places when she is. So, she's only grateful when members of the crew come to speak to her about what's on their mind, most of them are just ranting at her about their problems, but beggars can't be choosers so their presence is always welcome.

She wants to learn as much as she can about someone else while they learn nothing meaningful or truthful about her. She's deceitful, though not out of pleasure but for protection of herself and others. Everything she's told the Normandy crew about herself has been lies or half-truths, and they are all none the wiser to it. Although Eloe is not untrusting, she's just very reluctant to give out her trust, doing so risks Eloe getting attached to whatever has her trust and she'd rather avoid that. She's good at travelling with the movement of her emotions without being restricted by them, she understands that all relationships are ultimately fleeting and therefore she doesn't form attachments. She enjoys them while she has them instead of wishing they could last longer, by doing this when it's clear something has to end, she's able to let go without regret. After spending so much time with Normandy and fighting alongside the crew, she can feel herself beginning to get attached and form trust in a couple of the members and it scares her, she doesn't want to have to give them up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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