Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s pov

We saw the person sigh in distress after what happened. Kirby walked to him and put his hand on their shoulder. "Hey we can help you!" Kirby said. The person was shocked and looked at all of us. "Really?" They said. We all nodded yes. "Thank you so much, I'm Magolor." He said. "I'm Kirby and this is King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, and (Y/N)!" He said. "We'll help you build your ship!" Kirby said. "Thank you so much!" Magolor said, "When it's fixed, I'll take you to my home, Halcandra!" "Okay everyone!" Kirby said, "Let's go!" We left to go find the ship's parts. He showed us where it could possibly be. I don't know why Magolor didn't join us, but I guess he has to clean his ship since was quite a mess.

Magolor's pov

As they left, I gave the signal. "They're gone," I said, "you can come out now." He seemed a bit injured due to the crash. "Are you sure this will work?" He said. "Of course it will," I respond, "we'll rule Popstar in no time." "If you say so." He doubts. He goes and hides in his room. I sigh to myself and start cleaning the ship.

The group had found the missing pieces to the ship one by one. During that time, Magolor started to have feelings for (Y/N). However, it's not normal. It's turning into an obsession. Magolor's friend also is obsessed with her.

As Magolor fixes the last pieces to his ship, he tells them that they'll see his home. Once they're there, a four headed dragon shot down the ship. The group defeated the dragon and split. Everyone cheered until...

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