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Gen's POV

Our date is like a happy memory I can always return to.  If I'm bored anywhere, I can just tap into it and it gets me through whatever I'm doing. Right now, I'm eating breakfast and Isla's talking, but I'm just thinking about Daniel.

"Hey, are you listening?" Isla asks while snapping in front of my face.

I shake myself out of my trance.  "Sorry, what were you saying?"

Isla continues with her story but I continue to daydream about Daniel.

His smile with the tooth gap.

His soft jacket and warm hands.

His strong arms and abs.

His voice...I-

"Gen!  earth to Gen!" Isla says again.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, you just seem so distant.  Did you get enough sleep?" She asks.

"No not really," I lie. I don't wanna tell her yet.

"What happened? Did you go on a secret date or something?"

I spit out the milk I was drinking and it splatters pathetically on the table.

"Oh my gosh, what was that?" Isla asks, grabbing napkins and mopping up the mess.

"Nothing," I say, wiping my mouth. Crap, did Isla know about Daniel and me?  Well, maybe she was kidding. I'm not going to say anything until she says something about it.

"Sorry, the thought of me going on a secret date is so crazy, I spit out my drink," I say, hoping that's convincing enough.

Isla furrows her eyebrows but then shakes her head and resumes her story.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"So," Isla says completing her story. "We're going to go back home tomorrow," she says.

"Why wouldn't we go back today?" I ask since the concert did end yesterday. Not that I'm complaining as I wouldn't mind hanging around Daniel for another day.

"Well, my stalker senses are tingling and I want to follow them around all day," she says.

"Do you know how stupid you sound?" I ask.

Isla crosses her arms, and I raise my hands as if I've been caught by the police.

"Ok, that's fine, we'll follow them around," I say, trying to add an air of annoyance to my voice so Isla doesn't suspect anything.

"Great! Well, I'm going to head back up to the room but you can finish your food," she says, and walks away.

I continue eating before it gets really awkward so I start to head back but the lady at the counter says my name.

I walk up to her.

"Hi, um....someone left you a message," she says, handing me a folded piece of paper.

"Oh thank you," I say, grabbing it.

I walk away from her and open it slowly, revealing a card to get into a room.


roses are red
violets are blue
ur cute
haha that didn't rhyme but i miss you and i had the best time yesterday.

oh, and room 324


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