{5} On the Run + Crime Scenes

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Something Levi wouldn't stop doing until he was 1000000000% sure they weren't being followed. It had started pouring a few minutes ago, and it was clear to Levi that if they didn't find shelter soon, the six year old boy in his arms would become sick, and explaining to the doctors what happened to cause Camdyn being sick was risky. Just because the kid was being abused by his own father wasn't a good enough excuse for an android to do what Levi did.

Telling anyone, especially humans, would risk Levi's life, or at least memory. It would also risk Camdyn going back to his father, or the child gki ng into the foster or adoption system, which was fucked up. There is no way Levi was allowing anyone to take Camdyn away from him in less needed.

Finally, the android stopped on his tracks, waiting for the cars to get out of the way. He gently placed Camdyn down on the ground onto his feet, grabbing the boy's hand. Levi looked at the boy giving him a sweet smile, earning  a smile in return from the boy. After waiting a few seconds, the two walked across the road to the other side. Levi had scanned his surroundin while waiting for the road to clear. He saw a laundry mat just a few blocks away. Perfect place for shelter and to dry off their clothes.

The two rushed inside when it started pouring harder. They entered just in time when thunder echoed throughput the city. Levi lead the six year old over to a comfy bench, allowing him to sit down has Levi stood, scanning. They had no destination in mind, all they needed was a place safe and possibly a place that sheltered them from the rain.

Levi was planning on going to a motel for the night, but knowing most motels, he had to cover up his uniform. He scanned the area for possible solutions to hide his uniform and to get Camdyn out of the wet, dirty clothes. Not long after, Levi found a possible solution. In one of the laundry machines was dry clothes. The owner seemed to be "knocked out." He wouldn't mind of they borrowed them, would he?

Levi took a look around before silently and stealthily walked over to the machine. He was crotched down as to make him seem invisible. He took one more look at the sleeping guy a few inches behind him, making sure he was truly asleep. He was, now was Levi's chance. Slowly, the android opened the machine, revealing the nice, dry clothes. There was enough for him and Camdyn.

Has the android reached to grab the clothes, Camdyn stopped him anxiously. "What are you doing" he asked in a whispered tone, his facial expression and tone of voice hinting worried. "You can't take those. They aren't ours. That's stealing." Levi stared at the child for a moment, thinking. Should he really  steal this man's clothing?

Levi was about to close the machine, agreeing with the child completely, but another thunder echoed making him remember why he's doing so. "I'm sorry, Camdyn" Levi apologized. "But we need these clothes. I have to cover up my uniform and you need to get out of those wet clothes." The six year old nodded, understanding the choice Levi made before walking away.

Levi watched has the child walked away, before swiftly grabbing the clothes from the laundry machine. The two walked into the restroom, putting on their new clothes before heading out again. Fortunantly, the rain and thunder lightened up a bit. The android soon scanned the area. A motel was the best option. Levi internally begged for there to be a motel close by. Just then a building of average height, maybe a bit smaller than average, caught his eye. Yes! It was actually a motel. Levi smiled softly, grabbing Camdyn's hand, crossing the road.  

The only problem they had was money. They didn't have any, but what could they do? Rob a store? Yeah. Not happening. The two walked inside to be met with a  worker at the lobby desk. "May I help you?" The man asked, brow raised at the two strangers before him. Levi smiled weakly before actually speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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