{2} Owner+Androids

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"Hello. I am the only model of of the CP100 android. I am a multitask purpose android. For example, I can do housework, school work, mind the kids, detective work, and more."


Cyberlife was crowded with dozens of  humans, as usual. Ever since the first android came out, that's how they've always been. Everyone wanted their personal android. Someone to take care of their kids, someone to pay the bills, something to help with simple or risky tasks.

The androids stood in a protective glass barrier that was provided for every android, mostly so they won't fall and get damaged. Most androids were able to see each and every human walking out with one of their own, who was now gonna be their personal slave.

But they didn't care.

They couldn't care. They're duty was whatever the humans wanted them to be, not caring. It was impossible. Or it seemed impossible. People still remember the malfunctioning android. The one who turned on his owners. The one who seemed to care alot about being a human's personal toy.

Cyberlife had to close down for a few months.

Now, they reopened with better androids. Ones they were sure weren't going to malfunction.

"Hey" a man called to the cashier, just coming in the building. "I placed an order on line for an android?" The cashier typed at his computer in front of him, smiling.

"Okay, what's your name?" The cashier said, turning to face the man. The man smelled of beer and alcohol, and he didn't look as if he took showers. Ever. But the cashier tried to not be bothered by the nasty smell and odor coming of the man.

"Uh, James Miller" the guy answered. The cashier turned back around, typing once more.

"Ah, yes. James Miller" the man, said cheerfully. "Its right here. You wanted a CP500, a multi-purpose android, and also the only one of its brand. Follow me." The man got up from his seat, getting out from behind the corner, leading the customer to their proferred android. When they stopped, in front of them was an android. It's uniform showed his number, and was the regular black and white color. "Here it is" the cashier said. "Do you have any names for it."

"Yeah, well, my son did" Miller responded, looking at the Android, his head tilted. "How do I name it?"

"Like this" the cashier said, clearing his throat. "CP500, register you name."  The cashier then stepped back for the man to do so. "You just have to say the name you are giving it, and then it'll repeat it, meaning it's registered successfully."

The man just nodded, before looking at the Android in front of him. "Levi" he said simply. The two watched has the Android processed and registered the name, which was a quick process.

" I'm Levi."


It was a lovely day in Detroit.

The sun was shining, the sky was bright blue, hardly any clouds out. It was absolutely beautiful. A great day for walking, exercise, and just playing, which was what most did. During these beautiful days, the humans made sure they took advantage of it. Not because it was rare, cause it wasn't, but because it was not just beautiful.

It seemed more peaceful in the city when it was a nice day.


A male android walked on the path in the park, alone. He was told to get some more paints for his owner, and that was what he was going to do. While walking in the park, he saw humans and androids playing and walking on the same path he took. It wasn't longer til he crossed the road, getting out of the semi-cramped park. He finally got on the sidewalk where all the stores were.

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