The ring

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I got ready for the day then dropped Veronica  of at grandmas and grandpas then went on our date. He gave me a ring if you were wondering and I said yes after that we picked up Verconia then went to bed. The next day I went to cake shop to get a cake planned for the wedding date then sat wedding date at city boat park then back home and toke a much needed nap. I woke up to my phone ringing hello hey mom can you come over sure I will be there soon. I grabbed my car keys and drove to my mom's I opened the door hey mama hi Dawson Veronica is taking a nap I have to tell you something what is it mom I have stage 3 liver cancer. Oh my god I started crying my mom brought into a hug she kissed my head its gunna be ok sweetie. I suddenly hear little baby cries run upstairs grab Veronica and go back downstairs I should get home thanks mom. I went outside put Veronica in her carseat and headed home. I got home feed Veronica I made some pasta Alfredo and sat down and watched movie. After that I put Verconia in her crib and then went to bed.

Love is a four letter word!!! Sequel to that Beautiful soundWhere stories live. Discover now