Professor Jackson

Start from the beginning

It was true, Fudge and his two companions were standing beside Dumbledore's body. Hermione looked back at Percy. He was leaning forward now, almost as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Fudge began talking about  how he and Dumbledore were good friends to which Hermione zoned out of before she could puke. Her eyes were on the woman,who for some reason was eyeing Dumbledore's wand really closely.

"...and to honor his memory forever,we as the ministry have decided to hold onto his wand,so that future generations of wizards could remember him"

That was when Percy decided to jump in... literally. He jumped from the roof and Into the funeral.

"The ministry's decision or hers?"he asked.

All eyes immediately flew to him,whispers of curses escaping people's mouths. What was he doing disturbing the ceremony like this?

Hermione's eyes found Pansy's who merely shrugged being just as clueless as she was.

"Excuse me boy,but who exactly-"

Fudge was cut short by the woman raising her hand,a smile finding it's way to her face.

"I didn't dare believe Draco,or Kelli and her friends,but now that I'm here...I still can't believe it"she said,as she picked up Dumbledore's wand"Percy Jackson"

"Hey Circe"

Cold settled in Hermione's heart. Even from here she felt Pansy stiffen.

"How's your child, Voldepot?"

"His name is Voldemort!" She shrieked" and funny you should ask about children, how's yours doing"

"Fine actually, growing strong each day. And should I just point out how fast it's developing, I mean, the fact that I'll see it soon,brings tears to my eyes"

"And you seriously believe, it will survive this war. Draco had a taste of  of it's mother's power,he craves for more. You have no idea how much he's been pestering me to attack this damn school"

"Uh,yeah, both it and the mother will survive"

"Oh I beg to differ Percy"she said smiling"I'm afraid, Her situation and the boy Harry's situation are scaldingly alike. One cannot live while the other is still alive"

Hermione bit back a sob,her fists clenched so hard she almost drew blood from her palms.

"So,you want Dumbledore's wand"Percy said as he walked closer to the front.

"It's not his wand,he had to kill the previous owner in order to attain it. You know who the true owner of this wand is"

"I do,on a personal level actually. Saved him a few months ago, charming guy."

"True"Circe said"he is charming,sad he is a virgin Immortal. But,in any case this wand will be heading to my son now"she said as she threw it up. The wand twirled I the air for a few seconds before it vanished in a pop." And now Lord Voldemort has the elder wand of death"

"Which is a big mistake on your part"Percy said smiling"you're playing right into Dumbledore's plan."

"Plan,what plan?"

"You don't stress yourself with that. You won't be here to see it unfold" Percy said his hands bursting into flames.

Circe tool a step back before she sent out a blast of purple energy at Percy which struck him dead in the chest,but when the smoke cleared, Percy was still standing.

"Sorry C.c but that trick don't work no more,I've been taking my vitamins" Percy said. He thrust his hand forward sending a column of hot fire at her. Circe shrieked and summoned a shield out of air blocking the flames,but that was just a distraction.

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