The Night That Changed My Life

Start from the beginning

Liv: You don't have to repay me I love you and I'll do anything for you.

We ended up going home and when we walked in the front door and as soon as I closed the door Liv pushed me against the door and started making out with me. I picked her up as we were making out and took her into our room. Once we're in the room I put Liv down on the bed and my phone goes off and I let it ring, Liv takes my shirt off and my phone rings again and I see it's Steven so I just hit the ignore button and continue where Liv and I left off. My phone rings a 3rd time and at this point I'm aggravated with it.

Liv: Babe just answer it. What if there is an emergency?

I answered the phone.

Oliver: It better be important Steven. I was kinda in the middle of something.

Steven: I would say that you're God Daughter being born is pretty important. Brittany is in labor.

Oliver: Oh shit, we're on the way.

I got off the phone and grabbed my shirt.

Liv: What happened?

Oliver: Brittany is in labor.

Liv: Well why are we still here? Let's go see the baby.

Oliver: When we come back we're going to finish what we started.

*3 hours later*

I was so excited to finally get to meet baby Erica that I turned our 4 hour drive into a 3 hour drive. Luckily I didn't get pulled over. Liv and I got to the hospital and saw Steven sitting in the waiting room.

Oliver: Is she here yet?

Steven: Not yet she's getting closer.

*30 minutes later*

Doctor: Mr. Johnson, if you're ready you can come in. She's about to give birth.

Steven: Well next time you see me Erica will be here.

Oliver: Have fun we'll see you guys soon.

Liv: I can't wait to see her.

*About an hour later*

Nurse: Mr. Pierce, if the two of you would like to come see the baby you can.

Oliver: Babe wake up. We can go see the baby now.

Liv: Yay, I can't wait I'm so excited.

We are escorted over to the room where Brittany and Steven are with Erica.

Liv: Oh my god she is so cute.

Brittany: Hey Ollie, hey Gionna.

Oliver: How you feeling dude?

Brittany: I just pushed that out of me I'm tired.

Oliver: You guys did good. Congrats she's beautiful.

Steven: Thanks man, she looks just like her mom.

Brittany: Ollie you can hold her.

Oliver: No, I'm fine.

Liv: Why not? That's your God Daughter hold her.

Brittany: You seriously still can't be afraid of babies.

Liv: Wait what? You're afraid of babies?

Oliver: Yeah, they're so little and I'm big. I'm afraid that I'll hurt them.

Liv: What did you do when Emma was a baby?

Oliver: I wasn't as big as I am now. I had her when I was in high school.

Brittany: To his defense I haven't seen him hold a baby since he started wrestling. 

Liv: Well if he's not going to hold her can I?

Brittany: Of course you can.

Liv is holding Emma and she's glowing so much. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. I'm sitting next to Brittany and I'm just looking over at Liv with the baby and I'm smiling.

Brittany: You really love her don't you?

Oliver: I really do, she's the one dude.

Brittany: You think so?

Oliver: I know so. I've never felt this way about anyone ever. Emma really loved her too.

Brittany: I know how much Emma would have loved having Gionna as a mom.

Oliver: I know she'd be a damn good mom too.

Brittany: Well you know what you have to do.

Oliver: I know, I just need to find the right time. I'm going to go see Erica.

I walk over to the other side of the room to where Liv is sitting on the couch holding Erica. I sit down and I put my arm around Liv.

Oliver: You look like a natural holding a baby.

Liv: She's so cute and tiny. I'm in love.

Oliver: Can I hold her?

Liv: You sure?

Oliver: Yeah, I need to get over this fear.

Liv hands Erica over to me and she is sitting next to me to make sure I'm okay.

Liv: Look at you holding a baby.

Oliver: I'm scared right now but I'm doing okay.

Liv: You look so cute with a baby.

Oliver: Ok you can take her back Britt.

Brittany: How long are you guys going to stay?

Oliver: Probably just the night. It's too late to drive back to Orlando and we're both tired.

Steven: Well I'm going to stay here with Brittany. If you guys want you can stay at our house tonight.

Oliver: Sounds good, thanks man.

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