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Farewell Earth, We have to go
The ship of hope is heading off
It's the, Space Battleship. . . Yamato

Speeding on Toward the Light
For the World of Iskandar
So there be a future, for Humanity
We fight, Endure the Pain
Our Home That We Must Save
If We Don't, In Just One Year
Mother Earth Will Disappear

Leaving Now The Galaxy
To the One with Iskandar
Save the Earth, before it is gone
Space Battleship Yamato!

. . . . . . . . .

"Anderson, Nelson, thank you for having the time," told the Japanese Admiral to his American and British counterparts.

"No problem Nagata, so what you called us for," asked Admiral Anderson of the US Navy.

"Well to put it bluntly, we managed to summon Space Battleship Yamato," replied Admiral Nagata which the two Admirals can only be in shock.

"You mean like the anime show," asked Nelson.

"Yes, we managed to summon her, as her rigging is like that as shown in the anime," told Nagata.

"Jesus Nagata you just got us a gurantee of winning the war, if you can summon her, can't wait to summon the Star Trek Enterprise" told Anderson.

"That would be a great scenario, though I called of not just the advantages she give us in what she is, though remember she's a spaceship from the 23rd century, think of the technological advances we may have on our hands," told Nagata.

"Energy weapons, advanced form of 3d printers, unlimited forms of energy, and space travel, especially faster than light," called out Nelson.

"Correct, some of our current issues such as shortage in resources, could be solved now," told Nagata.

"Has she agreed to it," asked Nelson.

"Well I actually need to ask her first," replied back Nagata.

"Another thing, revealing this to the public," asked Anderson.

"I see why not, could help raise civilian moral," told Nelson.

"Here's another thing, she litterally came from a universe where Earth was under threat from Aliens, who's to say they actually exist in our own," told Nagata which perked the two other Admirals.

"If so, then her giving us the advanced tech is an actual necessity," told Nelson.

"Yeah if her universe had Humanity on the brink of extinction, we may need her to advanced our technology," told Anderson.

"Ok, then I guess that raps up our call, see you at New York," told Nagata to his colleagues.

. . . . . . . . . . .

"Mhm, so good," told Okita in delight.

That after the battle, she decided to tour the Naval District where she would have the occasional fan come up to her wanting a picture which she happily said yes to. That along thw way she was taken to Mamiya's cafe which the food, she was eating right now was exciting her taste buds.

"I'm glad you enjoy, would you like some more," asked Mamiya to which Okita noticed of how she eat all of her food very quickly.

"Don't worry, one of the traits of shipgirls that derives from our original selves is how much fuel we consumed, especially the larger capital ships," told Mamiya to then a slight look motion to where Okita saw the amount of food Akagi is eating.

"Well then, more please," asked Okita.

"Coming up," replied Mamiya.


"Fubuki, get over with it already," told Mutsuki

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