A Swift Kick in The Ass

Start from the beginning

Oliver: That's the quote I put under the picture we all took together.

Sarah: I know it was. Now that we took the 1st step in you getting the help you need, you know what's next.

Oliver: I need to make things right with my sister.

Sarah: Yes you do. So why don't you get your ass into your truck and head over to her house right now.

I headed over to Daria's house. Once I got to her house I rang the doorbell and as soon as she opened the door I hugged her as tight as I could.

Oliver: I know you probably hate me but I am so sorry for everything I said to you. I don't want you to leave my life, I need you in my life. You are my sister blood couldn't make us closer. I love you Daria, please forgive me.

Sonya: I forgive you Ollie. I love you.

Oliver: I want you to know that I got rid of every single drop of alcohol in my house. I'm going to get better, not only for me but for all of you.

Sonya: I love you bro, I don't want anything to happen to you.

I stayed at Daria's house for a few hours and then I went to the airport to pick Gionna up. I was waiting for her at the gate and I saw her pink hair in the crowd of people and the moment she saw me I heard her squeal with excitement and she came running to me and jumped into my arms and kissed me.

Oliver: I am so happy to see you right now. I've missed you so much.

Liv: I missed you too. Well you got me for the next two weeks. They're keeping the Riott Squad off Raw until Sarah is clear.

Oliver: Great that means we can spend as much time together as we want. Maybe we can finally finish unpacking your stuff.

Liv: Sounds like a plan babe.

*The next day*

I woke up and when I opened my eyes I saw Liv sleeping like a baby. I kissed her forehead and went into my gym to workout. About an hour later I went back into the house and Liv was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She walks over to me and hugs me and then we start making out.

Liv: Well that's one way to say good morning.

Oliver: It sure is. So is burning the house down.

Liv: What are you talking about?

Oliver: You're breakfast just caught on fire.

Liv: Oh shit.

I ran into the kitchen and put out the flames and then I started laughing. I picked up a pancake that was black and had smoke coming off of it. I knew that Liv was upset so I grabbed a plate and put a few on it then I grabbed a fork.

Oliver: Just how I like my pancakes.

Liv: You're not going to eat that are you?

Oliver: I'm not going to let perfectly good pancakes go to waste.

I took a bite out of it and tried not to throw up. The whole time Liv is looking at me laughing because of the faces I'm making.

Oliver: *Mouth full* this is so good.

Liv: You win Oliver, I'm not upset anymore. You don't have to eat that pancake.

I spit it out into the trash.

Oliver: Thank god, that was the worst thing I've ever eaten in my life. I just didn't want you to be upset.

Liv: Let's go out to get some food.

Oliver: Sounds good, I'll be right back I'm going to drink a bottle of mouthwash to get the burnt taste out of my mouth.

*A few hours later*

We got back after breakfast and Ruby and Sarah came over for a little bit.

Liv: We're going shopping. Do you want to come Oliver?

Oliver: Nah, I'll pass. Daria is going to come by for a little.

Ruby: Well have fun with your sister.

Sarah: We'll see you later bud.

Liv: Love you babe.

Oliver: Have fun ladies.

The girls have been gone for a few hours. Things were back to normal with Daria and I now. We're sitting over by the pool just talking.

Sonya: You seem to be doing a lot better than you have been.

Oliver: I am. I'm taking things day by day.

Sonya: You need to take care of yourself bro.

Liv got home but we didn't hear her because we were sitting outside. She was going to come out until she heard us talking about her.

Sonya: So how are things with you and Gionna?

Oliver: Couldn't be better, she's the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm in love with her.

Sonya: I've never seen you like this ever.

Oliver: It's like we were made for each other. We never fight, we always have fun together, and we help each other grow. She actually just moved in with me.

Sonya: When did this happen?

Oliver: A few weeks ago, we actually just got the rest of her stuff unpacked yesterday. When we came back from the road her roommate kicked her out because she's having a baby.

Sonya: That sucks, you guys aren't moving too fast though are you? I know that's kinda what happened with you and Leah.

Oliver: Nope, when I brought up the idea of her moving in she said that she couldn't do that to me. She was basically living here already so I just wanted to make things official. Plus, Gionna is nothing like Leah. Gionna is my best friend. I can be myself around her I don't have to pretend I'm someone else when she's around like I had to with Leah.

Sonya: You don't know how happy I am for the two of you. I love G and I'm glad she makes you happy. Do you see the two of you starting a family?

Oliver: Honestly, I don't think I want to have another kid.

Liv is inside listening still and when I said that I really hurt her feelings. She wiped a tear out of her eye and went into our room.

Sonya: How do you think G feels about it?

Oliver: We've never discussed it before.

Sonya: Well when the time is right I think you should talk to her about it.

Oliver: You're right, I can't be selfish. She's made a lot of sacrifices for me. We'll see what happens.

Sonya: That's all I ask bro. Alright it's getting late I'm going to head home.

Oliver: Alright, it was good seeing you. I love you sis.

Sonya: I love you too bro.

I walked Sonya to the door and when she left I went into my room to grab my phone charger when I saw Liv lying in bed.

Oliver: Hey babe, when did you get home?

Liv: Like 20 minutes ago.

Oliver: You okay?

Liv: Yeah, I just don't feel good.

I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her.

Oliver: Do you need anything? I want you to feel better.

Liv: No, I'll be okay. I just want to lay down a little.

Oliver: Okay, but if you need anything just let me know. I'll be in the living room watching TV.

I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.

Oliver: I love you babe.

Liv: Love you too.

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