"What the-" I yelled.

"Hey, Room No. 116! You can't bring wild game into your room. Next time you do that I'll skin you whole!" A loud voice shouted.

I didn't know where it came from. I whispered to Soma, "I think we should head out."

I started walking backwards but Soma gripped tight on my hand.

"Also, Room No. 208 you turned an empty room into a smoker again, didn't you? How about I take some smoke chips and flavor YOU?!" The unknown voice said.

"And you, Room No. 205! If you've cluttered up your floor again, I'm gonna rip your guts out!"

Soma let go of my hand and I felt the warmth of it go away too. For some reason I frowned.

"You're the transfers looking to move in? Yukihira Soma and Yukihira Y/N, yes?" I turned around to the familiar voice.

"I am the dorm mother, Fumio Daimido." She has a bright and big purple aura surrounding her.

"Aka, Fumio-san, the 'Holy Mother of Kyokusei!' You will call me that."

My eyes widened and I stared at her looking frightened. This place is so weird!

"As for the two of you... what ingredients have you prepared?" She asked.

"Huh? Ingredients for what?" We both said while looking at the granny in confusion.

"What else!? For the famous Kyokusei Entrance Test!" I looked at her dumbfounded. It was like she was speaking another language.

"T-the what?" I mumbled. She ignored me and continued.

"Point 1: Those who wish to board here must make a single dish. Residence will only be granted if the dish's flavor is acceptable."

I sighed, maybe thats what the paper that flew away said. We were so not prepared...

"Point 2: Judging will be carried out by the dorm supervisor. Point 3: Applicants are free to bring any ingredients."

"No one told us this!" I said looking over at Soma then looking back to the lady.

He looked down at me then at the lady. "Yeah, we don't have any ingredients!"

"Then you've lost by default. Unless you show what you've got, you're not welcome at Kyokusei." My jaw dropped.

Why are we still here- just to suffer?

"So tonight, we..."

"You guys can sleep outside, I'd say." She said blatantly.

It felt like I had been ripped of my heart. I snapped out of it and my blood started to boil.

"Cut the crap!" I yelled, "Do you know how cold it is outside! I'm getting cold just thinking about it!"

Soma yelled after me. "If that's not enough to think, we're both about to keel over from hunger and exhaustion!"

I nodded my head in agreement.

"The test is non-negotiable. Just give up. We only have random, leftover ingredients in the kitchen." I smiled then looked over at Soma.

He looked at me and smirked too. "Today just isn't your day-"

"Wait, so we can just use those leftovers?" I smirked and folded my arms. She seemed surprised.

// Yukihira Soma x Reader //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ