t h r e e ☪ pizza

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   Dallas sighed, running a hand through her hair. It'd been a week since she'd last visited Kat's cafe- which was a week and a half after she'd gotten aquatinted with Michael- and she was stressed. As she missed a few days due to being sick, she had to catch up on her writing assignments and extra work on top of that. She was nearing her first sixty credits of the year- she would need them to make her transition from the film major to video game design much easier.

   She'd managed to squeeze in a few hangouts with Michael and Luke and some friends of theirs during the weekends, though. Which had helped with some of the stress as Michael had always made sure to bring her a large mango tea and cake.

   Flipping to the next page in her book, she finished the next two pages before closing it.

   Dallas could hear the sound of her doorknob being fiddled with. Liane- Dallas' roommate- wasn't supposed to be back for another hour. She got up, despite how weak her legs felt from sitting down too long, and walked towards the door opening it.

   In front of her stood Michael, fumbling with his keys. "Why the fuck isn't this key working?" He mumbled to himself, preparing to try to unlock the door once more. He looked up only to meet Dallas' eyes. "Oh, hey Dallas. What're you doing in my dorm?"

   "Michael, your dorm is down the hall." Dallas laughed, watching as his face went from confused to flustered. "How long have you even been out here?" Straightening his posture he nodded his head,

   "Pft, yeah I knew that. Just wanted to come visit my best friend." Michael waved it off with a smile. "And about five minutes." Dallas shook her head, a smile still present on her lips.

   "Come on in then, Clifford." Moving away from the door she sat down on her bed. "What're you even doing up this late?" Dallas questioned, her bedside clock reading 3:02 am.

   "Dorm party." He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm so hungry, you got anything?"

   "Let me see." Dallas went into the small kitchen and looked through the cabinets and the fridge. "Uh, we have cookie dough, juice pouches, soda, lunchables, frozen pizzas and noodles."

   "Would you mind making me a frozen pizza?" Michael asked, now laid out on Dallas' bed. "Pepperoni please."

   Dallas didn't respond, tossing the pizza in the microwave-oven after removing it from the box. "I never thought I'd find someone who loves food just as much as I do." She laughed as she sat next to the bed and leaned against it, flipping through channels on the tv.

   Michael grinned knowing she wasn't looking, it made him feel warm inside knowing that Dallas had also taken a liking towards him- and that they both shared a love for food (what's better than two people who can eat as much as they want without feeling self conscious in front of the other?). "Yeah, me either." He said looking down at her.

   "Holy shit." Dallas gasped as she got up and ran into the kitchen, only to come back minutes later. "Almost forgot about the pizza." She handed it to Michael sitting back down. The pizza was a bit over the preferred golden brown, but Michael didn't care- it was better than a purely burnt one or none at all.

   "Atleast it's not burned to a crisp." He replied, pizza in his mouth. "You want a piece?" Dallas looked up at Michael smiling, 'how adorable.' She thought before nodding,

   "Why not?" Michael lowered the plate, Dallas taking a slice. This was how Michael would like to spend his time- stress free and eating pizza with Dallas, or anything with Dallas really. He wouldn't even mind doing absolutely nothing with her- staring at a wall for example (okay maybe not staring at a wall, but you know.)

   It had been twenty minutes since they'd finished the pizza and they were now watching tv, well Dallas was. "Move over, Clifford." Dallas said pushing on Michael's side. He'd fallen asleep only ten minutes ago and wouldn't budge.

   "Come on, please." She cooed, Michael groaning as he rolled over giving Dallas space to lay. "Thank you."

   She crawled under the blanket- making sure to cover Michael as well. "Goodnight, Michael." She sighed turning off the tv.

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