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              Henry POV
   Charlotte and I were walking home from a full day working at Junk and Stuff. We were walking to my car. But all the sudden a black van pulled up. Twelve men jumped out wearing masks "Char run!" I said. Knowing that they would probably want a beautiful girl like her. But we were surrounded "Char stay right next to me." I said she did what she was told. "Give is the girl." A man said. I triple beeped Ray. While I was fighting off some of them suddenly I heard a scream. I turned to see Charlotte get pulled into a van. "Henry help!" She cried "Leave her alone!" I yelled. They knocked me down. And they escaped taking my best friend with them. Ray ran over "Where's Char?" He asked. "They took her." I said I noticed her bracelet that I gave her for her birthday when she turned 16. We are now 22. "This isn't good." Ray said. Tears stung my eyes. "Ray we need to find Char." I said. "I know Kid. I know"
       Charlotte POV
I was quickly tied up and gaged. The men surrounded me. "She's a keeper." One said the others agreed. They took my phone and threw it out a window. I knew I had my watch that hopefully they can find me soon I didn't like how they looked at me. But once the watch was beeping and flashing they threw it out the window as well. I felt hands start touching my breast. Please Henry help me. I want to go home.

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