o n e ☪ speechless

143 3 1

Months earlier

Michael sighed as he put on his uniform, he'd rather be sleeping than having to wake up every morning to work- but he insisted on getting the job so his parents wouldn't have to pay for all of his college funds. The uniform wasn't much, tan pants and a black shirt with the Kat's Cafe logo on it.

After fixing his hair up a bit he walked out of his dorm. Making sure to lock the door before heading out the building and into the cold morning air. Lucky for Michael Kat's Cafe wasn't too far from the campus, only a ways down the street.

The bell on the door jingled when he walked in. "Oh, hi there. You must be the new employee, Michael right?" A teen girl coming from the Employees Only door asked. He simply nodded in response, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Alright then, well I presume you know how a cash register works."

"For the most part, yeah." Michael said smoothly, looking around the small store he noticed that everything- the walls, tables, chairs, counters, glass displays and the floor- was either a baby pink or yellow.

"Then you're good for now, I'll be behind the counter with you preparing the orders. All you have to do is take the orders." She explained as she walked up to him. "I'm Alexis by the way." Alexis added holding her hand out. Taking a hand out of his pocket he shook it,

"Are you the only employee working here?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed. He hasn't seen any other workers since he walked in minutes ago. "Shouldn't there be people cleaning and whatnot?"

"For mornings, yeah. Most of the workers took the afternoon and night shift." She shrugged. "We open in about twenty minutes, hope you're ready. Cool hair by the way."

With that being said she began to walk away. "Oh okay and uh thanks." Michael replied going behind the counter. 'Might as well try to familiarize myself with everything while I still have time.' He thought as he began reading the menu.

Soon after Alexis had came back the door bell jingled for the second time today. "Michael? I didn't know you worked here." Luke raised an eyebrow as he walked up to the counter.

"Just started today. What do you want?" Michael rolled his eyes. The thing is he isn't intentionally rude, Michael just isn't a morning person and never will be- which is why he only has afternoon classes.

"Don't mind him, Michael. I got it." Alexis butted in already halfway finished with Luke's order. Luke- deciding his teasing would have to wait until later- nodded but otherwise stayed silent as he set his money on the counter before going to sit down.

"So, you know him too, yeah?" Michael asked pressing random buttons on the register out of boredom.

"Yeah, he comes here every morning to meet with some girl. Never got her name but I did happen to catch that she likes to dye her hair a lot." Alexis shrugged as she walked over to Luke placing two cups and a bag on the table. "She attends the college down the street, maybe you know her?" She added when she came back.

"Possibly." Michael slightly nodded, focused on thinking about if he's ever actually seen Luke with this hair dying chick. As if on que, his thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing four times. The first to come in was an elderly couple, then a man- who looked to be in his late 30's maybe- and a fairly short girl. They all got in line to order except for her, she simply stood in the doorway looking around.

Michael should've known instantly from the fact that her hair in fact wasn't any old color and that what she was looking for had been Luke. Though, it wasn't until he'd watched the taller male give her a long hug that he'd actually noticed.

Snapping out of his daze he took the orders of the three customers and made sure Alexis had received them. The rest of his shift went like this; spacing out and taking orders. It was a few minutes before the end of shift when he'd seen Luke's lady friend get up and make her way over to him.

"Hey, can I get a mango ice tea and a piece of red velvet cake to go please." She smiled handing Michael a ten dollar bill. 'What the actual fuck,' was all Michael could think as he nodded and gave her the change.

For the first time, Michael was rendered speechless.

My first attempt at writing in third person, so i'm hoping this will turn out well. This chapter is considered a prologue ( kinda )

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