The Visit

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Slater walks into Zack's house hours later for their late night study session when he sees Zack's vegetable self on the floor in the Spider-Man position. He screams out for his principal "AHH SIR, ZACKY IS ON THE FLOOR." The principal walks in to see a hysterical Slater holding Zack like a child. "HOSPITAL NOW DADA." Slater screams out in agony. After four minutes they arrive to the hospital in a golf cart, Slater picks up Zack and brings him in screaming for help. The doctor puts him on a ventilator and injects his meds. Soon Jessie arrives which makes Slater very happy. They head to the on call room and decide to make out right there and then even though their friend is literally in a coma. But they don't care as long as they are together. The next day screech arrives but is kicked out for being on a predator list. So he goes back but this time dressed as an OBGYN doctor so he can finally see his  Zacky in person.

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