"Yes, hearing that he didn't go here made me happy. Who knows? Maybe you two killed him just like what you did to his parents" Minho

"Oh shut up. We didn't do it" Hyunjin's Uncle

"Say whatever you want. All the evidences leads to the both of you, because the killer will confess who made him do it. You better hide your ass', you two will stay in prison forever" Minho

"Yeah, right. If we killed Hyunjin we will hide him and will remove all the evidences" Hyunjin's Uncle

"How can you say that, you fucker?! If something bad happened to Hyunjin, I will make sure you two will be in jail!" Minho shouted as he glared at them

"Do what you want, Minho" Hyunjin's Aunt

"I will promise that you two will rot in jail!" Minho

"Just leave" Hyunjin's Aunt smirked

"You two will regret everything and will ask for Hyunjin's forgiveness soon. I will not stop looking for evidences and witnesses. You made him suffer for a long time" I glared at them

"Go on" Hyunjin's Uncle

Eunji calling...

"What is it?"

[He is at the police station. Make sure to go there now. We're on our way there]

"Yeah, we'll see you there"

[Leave that place now, Min kyu]

"Okay" I ended the call

"Let's go" Changbin said and the three of us leave the mansion "I'll drive, you can't. You are too mad"

Minho didn't say anything and sat in the backseat. He is the scariest one when he is mad. He cares for Hyunjin, it's not that obvious but he really does. He always check Hyunjin from time to time when he is still in the mansion. But when Hyunjin is staying at Eric's house. Minho felt relaxed.

We arrived at the police station and Chan's car is there. We quickly went inside and saw Chan talking to the police while Eunji is talking to Hyunjin.

"What happened?" Minho asked Chan

"Drunk-driving yesterday, when the police told him to call his guardian. He chose to stay here the night and he doesn't want to call us" Chan

"Why?" Minho

"I don't know. When the police told him to stop he drove faster, he was about to hit the car but he suddenly stopped. Luckily, he is not injured" Chan

"This is crazy"

"Thank you, officer. We are looking for him since yesterday but we don't know where to go. Thank you so much for taking care of him" Chan

"No problem" officer

"I'll call my staffs to see if something wrong with Hyunjin's car" Minho

I went to Hyunjin who's quiet the whole time.

"Where did you go yesterday?"

"Just visited my parents and Areum" Hyunjin

"You should've told us. We are so worried about you. Do you know we searched for you everywhere. Besides, how can you drive when you are drunk?" Eunji

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah" Hyunjin

"Do you want something?" Eunji

"I want to talk to the killer" Hyunjin

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes, please. Let me talk to him. I want to know who killed my parents. I want to end everything by serving justice. It's been years since they died but there's still no justice. I want to made sure that they will suffer like what they did to me" Hyunjin said and started crying

Eunji sighed as she saw Hyunjin crying.

"We will go tomorrow. We will go with you. But for now, you have to rest and stay at home. We need to go back to Hanji University"

"I'll stay with Hyunjin" Chan

"Thank you, Chan" Eunji

This is it, everything will end soon. 

𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟾 |𝙺𝚒𝚖 𝙼𝚒𝚗 𝙺𝚢𝚞|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang