Chapter 1

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"We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours."


The cold wind nipped at Sans face as he rode through the dense forest.

His strong hands felt numb from the chilly night air as he gripped the reins and willed his horse to trek faster.

The sounds of cicadas buzzing on the surrounding trees, and the loud clopping of his horses hooves hitting the packed dirt road filled his ears making them tingle.

His sharp, dark eyes resided straight ahead, never straying from the path before him. After all, he had to make it to his destination on time.

The pale light from the moon shone down through the trees illuminating the young man's handsome features. Saturating his figure, it reflected off of his brilliant, fluffy, ash blonde hair forming a hazy halo atop his head. The angelic glow it gave him was one that even Saint Michael himself would be envious of.

San had begun his journey a couple days prior. His final destination? The Kingdom of Forsythia.

Forsythia was the wealthiest, and certainly the most lavish kingdom out of the eight realms.

Years ago there was a great war, Forsythia's prior king brought the country to victory by leading them in battle with ingenious plans and solid strategies. This in turn, made the Kingdom the most powerful and influential one of the current day and age.

San had been sent to the kingdom as an Ambassador to develop a treaty of alliance with his own kingdom. The Kingdom of Eunasia.

San steadily continued down the path. The dark trees began to appear thinner and thinner as he rode into an open clearing.

His tired eyes fell upon a plentiful sea of beautiful yellow flowers that seemed to stretch over the hills and off into the horizon. The moonlight hit them in a way that made the whole view look ethereal.

A soft smile fell upon his face at the sight.

His eyes momentarily fell shut as he breathed in the crisp midnight air, and as he reopened them the smile slowly faded from his face.

I have no time to be admiring this view, He thought to himself.

As he rode over the hill, he spotted a large town in the far distance. The soft, yellow glow of the lights from the buildings against the dark night sky twinkled like clusters of stars.

It was then that he spotted the castle. The large structure loomed over the town as if it was establishing it's menacing authority over the quiet subjects that resided below it.

Nevertheless, it held a certain beauty to it. It's tall towers peeked over the cobblestone gates that surrounded it. The large spire rested atop the tallest tower like a crown that graced the head of pure royalty.

San stared unblinkingly at the castle. He steeled his nerves and snapped the reins gripped tightly in his fists.

His horse let out a shrill whine and pursued on faster into the night.


Soon enough San was approaching the front gates of the palace, it was indeed larger than it looked from a distance.

He pulled the reins slowing his horse to a stop.

Nimbly, he dismounted his horse and strode over to the wooden door where two guards stood rigidly. The guards took notice of the stranger approaching, took their spears, crossed them over each other and blocked the entryway.

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