Mini story : Operation E.V.A.C

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So yeah this is a kind of an old story for the ketchup vs Mayo splatfest but now since that chicken vs egg happen I'm doing this. That said let's get started.

Goggles P.O.V

It was another as any other by just me being a leader for my families nation . Although I am working and figuring out new stuff. I was just mindless when I heard the news today about the splatfest's chicken vs egg. I just couldn't believe they would just do this because after what I heard about the true meaning of splatfest it always causes a war between the whole inkopolis splatfests and separating everyone from each other. However when I got reports from some messengers that where observing all of inkopolis with hidden cameras and drones they told me a lot of info about what's happening over there at inkopolis.

Goggles : So what's the next big news about the splatfest

Striker messenger 33 : Well I believe we have some info about the next splatfest

Goggles : Well then tell me then what's gonna happen to the next splatfest for chicken and egg

Striker messenger 33 : Well you see when I figured out this splatfest well umm it's kind of odd and questioning

Goggles : Yeah that's right I mean the chicken lays they egg and then it's egg vs the chicken

Striker messenger 33 : Yeah that what I was saying is it trying to question our sanities or something

Goggles : Yeah

Boris messenger 56 : Well apart from that sir we heard it was going to be a wild splatfest just like ketchup vs Mayo

Goggles : Ah yes that event that tragedy event so many innocents

Striker messenger 33 : Yep those day's

Goggles : Well we got to figure out a plan to help those innocents who don't want to fight in the splatfest... wait hold up

Striker messenger 33 : Ummm Sir

Goggles : *speaks in microphone* COMMANDER 115 GET TO MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY, thank you

*Downstairs in the lobby of the giant capital goggles family owns*

*meanwhile with the commander in the bar*

Bendy commander 115 : Yeah And Besides it was nice and quiet there down at the docks

Bartender Boris : Really hmmm that's amazing

*speaker starters*

Bendy commander 115: Welp that's my q see ya

Bartender boris : You to friend

3 minutes later

Narrator P.O.V

While this little commander now heading towards they office where goggles he was preparing himself even steering up his tie and was ready.

Commander bendy 115 : Yes Sir Goggles you wanted to see me

Goggles : 115 I need your division to evacuate civilians out of inkopolis

Commander bendy 115 : Ah I see so you want me to sent my division to help some innocent civilians and hope they don't end up like the ketchup vs Mayo event

Goggles : Yes just like the ketchup vs Mayo event even thought I no longer want to follow the horrible foot steps of this horrible political world

Commander bendy 115 : Ummm Sir is at that what we-

Goggles : It's a nation of my family like an empire there's a difference

Commander bendy 115 : Ok sorry sir so you want me to save some civilians

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