Liv: Well I'm glad you did. What time are we leaving for Emma's game?

Oliver: It's at 7 so we have some time. We'll probably leave around noon so we can spend a little time with her.

*A few hours later*

We got to Savannah and went over to Brittany and Steven's house to hangout before the game.

Oliver: Damn Britt you've gotten huge since I've seen you last.

Brittany: You have a such a with words.

Oliver: I want you guys to finally meet my amazing girlfriend Gionna.

Brittany: It's nice to finally meet you. Oliver and Emma never stop talking about you.

Oliver: Where is the little shit?

Steven: She's in her room.

Oliver: I'm going to go see her.

I went up to Emma's room and surprised her.

Oliver: Hey kid.

Emma: I thought you weren't coming in until later?

Oliver: I changed my mind. I wanted to surprise you.

Emma: I'm just glad you're going to be here for our big game. We're playing the number 1 team in the state.

Oliver: And you're going to kick their ass. Let's get going to the school.

*Game time*

Once we got into the gym we managed to find a spot right in the front and took our seats.

Liv: Woah this place is packed and loud as hell.

Oliver: It almost sounds like a WWE event.

Brittany: I really hope they win. She's been training really hard.

The visiting team comes out first and then Emma's team came out. While they were announcing the starting line up each player had their own theme song. I heard the Riott Squad theme song come on over the sound system. Emma came running out and once she made it to center court she looks over into the stands at us and she sticks her tongue out and it's blue like Liv's. I didn't notice until now that she added pink into her hair as well.

Oliver: What am I going to do with that kid? She's turning into a mini you. She really looks up to you babe.

Liv: She's the best. WOOOOOOOO Let's go Emma.

Oliver: That's my girl.

*Mid game*

The game has been intense and the other team is in the lead by 6 points. Emma has been playing really hard. She hasn't been taking it easy at all.

Liv: She definitely takes after you being some damn competitive.

Oliver: That is one of the many things she's got from me.

The other team scored a basket and when the ball came into play Emma was bringing the ball up the court and she collapsed onto the court. The ref blew the whistle and I saw the coach and the doctor run onto the court.

Liv: Is she okay?

The gym got eerily quiet and I felt a wave of emotions hit me. I looked around and saw all the players taking a knee with their heads down. I ran onto the court but the police officer that was at the game stopped me.

Officer: Sir you can't come onto the court.

Oliver: That's my daughter. I need to know if she's okay.

Officer: They're taking her to the hospital. I can have one of the other officers give you an escort there if you'd like.

Oliver: Yes please. Just let me get my family.

Officer: Yes sir go ahead.

Oliver: Thank you.

I gave Liv the keys to my truck and Brittany and Steven followed behind us. Once we got to the hospital, we went into the waiting room and sat until they came to let us know what was going on.

*3 hours later*

I'm getting really impatient waiting; I was pacing back and forth in the lobby when Liv came over to me.

Liv: Babe, take a seat and try and calm down.

Oliver: I can't Gionna. I have no idea what's going on with my daughter right now.

Liv: If she's anything like you then she's going to be fine.

Liv hugs me and I just hold her tight then we sat down. A few moments later the doctor came out into the waiting room.

Doctor: I'm looking for the family of Emma Pierce.

Brittany: Right here.

Doctor: Are you her mother?

Brittany: I'm her Aunt. Her father and his girlfriend are over there.

Liv and I walked over to where the Doctor was with Brittany and Steven.

Oliver: How is she?

Doctor: Emma had a severe heart attack.

Oliver: How is she?

Doctor: We did everything we could. I'm sorry Mr. Pierce she didn't make it.

When the Doctor said that I fell to my knees and couldn't stop crying. Liv is on the ground hugging me as we both cried. Steven is hugging Brittany trying to calm her down while trying to fight the tears.

We got back to Brittany and Steven's house and they got us situated with everything we needed.

Brittany: Steven and I will be upstairs if you guys need anything.

Oliver: Thanks guys.

Liv: Thanks for everything guys.

Oliver: You can sleep on the couch I'll sleep on the floor. If I even can sleep.

Liv: Do you want to talk babe?

Oliver: There isn't anything to talk about. She's gone and there isn't anything I can do that will bring her back.

Liv walks up to me and hugs me. When we break the hug she kisses me.

Liv: Oliver..

Oliver: Yeah?

Liv: I love you.

Oliver: I love you too.

Liv: We're going to get through this together.

Oliver: Promise?

Liv sticks out her pinky. Then I give her mine we lock pinkies and then kiss.

Liv: I pinky promise.

I went outside to try and calm down a little bit. I sent Triple H a text to let him know what's going on. He replied back almost right away and told me to take off as much time as I need. I pulled up my phone and I sent out a tweet

" @oliverpiercewwe: "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." **Great quote from Rocky**

I walked back inside and I sat down next to Liv on the couch. When I sat down she laid down and laid her head in my lap. She falls asleep almost instantly. I just sat there staring off into the darkness. 

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