Sonya: I'm very happy for you two.

Liv: Thanks Daria.

Sonya: We'll I'm going to get going I have a match against Leah on the pre-show.

Oliver: Good luck sis, I'll be watching.

Sonya: Luck? I don't need it I'm going to wipe the mat with her.

Daria and I hugged then she went and hugged Liv.

Sonya: (whispers to Liv) He's an amazing guy G. Take good care of him.

Liv: (Whispers) You have nothing to worry about Daria.

Sonya: I love you guys. See you after the show.

Liv: You ready for tonight?

Oliver: I'm more nervous than anything. Hell in a Cell has changed the lives of so many people that stepped inside of it.

Liv: Whatever happens out there promise me you'll be safe.

Oliver: I can't make any promises. I've been waiting 2 years to get him to myself and I have a lot of anger and frustration to let out.

Liv: Well I want you to come back in one piece.

Oliver: I'll come back in one piece I promise. 

Liv: Pinky promise?

Oliver: I pinky promise.

She sticks her pinky out and I wrap mine around hers and we kissed.

Oliver: I'll come back in one piece but I can't guarantee that I wont be really banged up and possibly missing body parts.

Liv: What did you just say?

Oliver: I said I love you.

Liv: That's what I thought you said. I love you too. Now go out there and kick ass.

*Main Event*

Cole: Here we go folks it's time for the main event.

Graves: Best friends turned bitter rivals. Oliver Pierce will step inside Hell in a Cell to defend the Intercontinental Championship against his former best friend and tag team partner Jackson Slater.

Cole: Let's take a look at the history between these two men.

They showed a video package highlighting our past. Then my theme song hits and I made my way down to the ring. Before I got into the cell I stopped and looked at it and I grabbed hold of the steel then I walked inside. Jackson made his way out and once he gets inside the Cell the ref closes the door. The bell rings and we go at it. Things have been pretty intense in this match, we've used the cage as a weapon, we've gotten chairs, kendo sticks, and even tables and used them in the match we even tore the mat up in the ring exposing the wood.

*Mid match*

I have Jackson on the outside of the ring and I leaned him against the door of the cell and speared him through it. The crowd went crazy for that, now we're brawling on the outside of the Cell.

Cole: These two are crazy, I don't think either one of them is going to give in.

Graves: These two are going to kill each other out here tonight. Oliver can barely walk after Jackson has been going after that repaired knee.

We're fighting over by the announce table now and I hit Jackson with the monitor from the table and then I lay him on top of the table and start to climb the Cell.

Cole: What is Oliver doing?

Graves: Don't do it Oliver.

As I'm climbing Jackson gets up and starts climbing up the Cell next to me. Now we're both up pretty high and we're trying to knock each other off the Cell.


Liv, Daria, Zack, Curt, Ruby, and Sarah are all watching the match.

Sonya: What the fuck is he thinking?

Zack: Bro don't do it.

I somehow managed to knock Jackson off balance and get him onto my back and put him into position for an air raid crash.


Liv: I can't watch. This is going to be bad.

Sonya: Oliver if you don't die I'm going to kill you.

Sarah: Not if I kill him first.

I decided it was now or never and I just fell off the Cell and Jackson and I both went crashing through the announce table.

Graves: Holy shit.

Cole: Oliver Pierce and Jackson Slater just came crashing down from at least 20 feet in the air through the table right in front of us.

Jackson and I haven't moved for a minute or two. The arena is silent eventually I started to move and then I finally got to my feet and I pulled him up and we picked up right where we left off.

Liv: Thank god he's okay.

*End of Match*

Jackson hit me with a GTS and then he went to the top rope but he took too long getting there. I got up and went running and hit him with a high knee right in the face. He's now sitting on the top turnbuckle and I climbed up and got him in position for a Hammerlock DDT. I went for it and connected onto the exposed wood under the canvas. I rolled over on top of Jackson and I picked up the victory.

Greg Hamilton: Here is your winner and still the Intercontinental Champion. Oliver Pierce.

After the match I grabbed my title and I made my way backstage, I went to find Liv and everyone to celebrate.

Zack: So how'd it feel to finally get revenge?

Oliver: It felt amazing.

Sonya: You're lucky I don't kill you Oliver.

Liv: I'm just glad that you're okay.

Liv hugs me and won't let me go

Oliver: Alright babe we're trying to keep our relationship private remember.

Liv: Sorry I thought you were going to die out there.

I left everyone so I could go shower and change before heading to the hotel, when Triple H stopped me on my way to the locker room.

Triple H: Hell of a match out there Oliver.

Oliver: Thanks Hunter, it felt good to finally get my hands on him.

Triple H: Hopefully now you can finally put that in your past.

Oliver: Yeah, I think it's time to focus on the future.

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