"I love you." Jasmine caresses my face. 

"Yea, I know, best friends forever right" I put air quotes and roll my eyes.

"No, not just that way."

"Whah?" And before I could process anything she kissed me.  Her body was on top of me holding me in place. She then started kissing my neck and shoulders.

"Buh...buuh what about....Andre?"

"I sent Andre home baby."

"I...I oh...uh....wow..." 

The last thing I remember is being completely naked while Jasmine gave me oral.

When I woke up the next day, I had the worlds worse hangover, Amy Whinehouse was still playing, and Jasmine was gone. I heard my shower going. So it seems that she was taking a shower. I grabbed some ibuprofen from nightstand and swigged the bottle of water right next to it. After taking some I go to my fridge in the kitchen to get the ginger ale. Still dazed I hardly notice that anyone else was around until I see two men staring at my naked body. 

"Damn, now that's more like it!"

"Who are you beautiful and can I get some of that pretty pussy?"

On the verge of screaming, Andre comes in and sees what's going on and snatches me taking me back into my bed room. 

As We go I hear the men say

"Come on man we can't have a piece of that juicy pussy?"

"Who the fuck is that, and why are they casually sitting in my place while you are no where to be seen!!"

"I get your mad, you have every right to be, but why are you naked?"

"This is my fucking house I can be naked if I fucking want to !"

The water stopped, and it seemed like Jasmine may come out, but she didn't. 

"Jasmine never came home so I knew that she would be over here, but then she told me to just meet her over here because she said she pick up a few things this morning." 

I tried not to look guilty,but then I asked him

"That still doesn't explain the fact that there are two random men in my house."

"Sorry, yea we're gonna play basket ball at the court here, I'm not sure you recognize them, but I used to play with them on the team in high school."

"Oh...well they just got an eye full of me and I know they are probably trash talking about me right now."

"If they do, I'll take care of that. I was trying to wait for Jasmine, but she's taking too long. How long does uber take to get here from the mall like 20 minutes?"

Holy shit. They rode together here last night so if she was gonna lie, she would've had to take an Uber. WTF is going on?

"I would guess so."

"Look tell her when she gets here that I'm outside playing basket ball okay?"

"Yea. Sure. "

"And Jade, put some clothes on, you know it's hard enough for me to see you and i can't touch you anymore."

He leaves and like a dark shadow Jasmine emerges.

"I knew his ass was still feening to touch you. I saw it in is eyes yesterday."

"Jasmine what the fuck? Why are you lying to him and what the fuck was last night?"

"What do you mean honey?"

"You came in, took off my clothes, gave me oral"

"What??! No I didn't you must be still drunk babes. You were sick and throwing up so I helped you get back in the bed and made sure you were okay. And take a shower, you still smell like throw up."

She walked out of the room and into the living room with ease. I was still puzzled. I know exactly how much I had to drink. I saw the bottle on my night stand. And when I looked at the mirror in the bathroom. There were hickey's all over my body. I took a shower confused.  Did she just...did she just...assault me? I know what happened wasn't a dream; the marks on my body prove to be the evidence. I had no idea what to do or what to say. How the fuck did she think that she could just twist my emotions that way. After taking a shower,staring at every hickey; some marks looked like scrapes or cuts along my stomach and shoulders. It looks as if she mauled me in the process. I put on a big sweat shirt to cover everything and thick sweat pants, and marched straight into the living room. I felt rage.

"Jasmine I-"

Andre, the two guys, and Jasmine were all in my living room chatting.

Jasmine looked up with a casual smile on her face.

"What's up, you're looking better."

Was she crazy?

"Uh...thanks. So what is all this?" I point in the general direction of everyone. 

Andre speaks. 

"Sorry, we're were trying to figure out if we gonna play another game or go to their house to play video games."

"And they are?"

"Shit, sorry Jade, this is Blake, and this is Jimmy."

"Yea...we met earlier."

"We sure did." Jimmy eyes me like he's scanning to see if he can x-ray my body through my clothes.

"Chill." Andre throws up his hand.

"They live in another building in this complex."

How unfortunate, I say under my breath.

Andre stood up, and ushered them out. 

Jimmy still had to have a last say. 

"See you next time Jade." he winks and I inwardly crawl into my skin.  Then I turn to Jasmine.

"Seriously you're just gonna act like nothing happened?"

"Nothing happen, what are you so upset about?"

"If nothing happened then why the fuck do I have hickeys and scratches all over my body?"

Jasmine couldn't look me in the eye. I held her in place and made her look at me. 

"Why did you do that to me?"

"I...I just couldn't help myself." She stood up, walked away, and walked out of the door. I was so stunned, I didn't have the strength to carry my legs to the door to go after her. 

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