The End Is Near...

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I felt my laces got stuck into something . I don't remember what it got stuck into but let me continue : i looked at my shoes to see what was wrong with my laces  and then sudenly , my bike stoped brutaly and i fell on the ground...

Still on the ground , i could feel my elbow Bleeding because of the fall . (It took me a moment to realize that i was on the road )
I tried to look at my elbow ....when  i heard something coming thowards me..i looked and....a big car was coming on my way.

At this moment,  i was so scared that i almost could'nt get up ! And just before that car was about to kill me i got up the fast as i could and get out of this dangerous road .

A few minute later,  i was able to get back on my bike but i was still traumatised and a millions thots trough my head
"What if that car Really killed me?"
"What will happend if i didn't got up in time?"

I arrive to my aunt house and she notice something red on my elbow..i was bleeding so much it got on the floor. My aunt helped me and i got back home safely


Chapter 2 : ends

When i almost diedWhere stories live. Discover now