Chapter 2

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After we got everything cleaned up, we headed outside into the cold, winter air. I haven't been this cold in awhile, due to is living Calabasas. So, of course, I wasn't wearing the proper clothing.

" I told you to wear a sweater and a coat," Aubrey teased. Ha ha, I love how he finds this amusing. I'm literally freezing my big ass butt off.

" Oh, shut up you-," I suddenly got cut off by Sandi yelling our names.

" Jazzy, Aubrey!" the petite lady called out, "I missed y'all so much"

"We missed you too, ma," Aubrey responded hugging her.

" Yea! We also got you something," I added hugging her as well.

" Oh my goodness! What is it?"

"Damn ma, chill" Aubrey laughed. Right after he said that, Sandi smacked upside the head.

"Boy don't tell me what to do"

"Alright, how about I'll give it to you when we get to the house" I said laughing.

" Okay! Come on! " She exclaimed turning towards the car. I just laughed with Aubrey and grabbed his hand, walking to the car.


After about 30 minutes of rehashing memories, we arrived at a small, light blue house. Even though Aubrey offered to buy her a huge house or a condo, Sandi refused to leave the tiny home.

"So uh, I'm hungry," Aubrey suddenly notified.

"You're always hungry," I replied with a roll of my eyes. As we were walking up the drive way, we saw the door open with an older man coming out. Aubrey's hand quickly released from mine and balled into a fist.

"Why the fuck are you here?!"
Dennis. Dennis is really at this house. Knowing Aubrey this will not turn out well.

"Hey son", dumbass Dennis said.
Now why would he say that? All I know is if I don't get Aubrey in the house, Dennis would be walking around with a bloody nose.

"Don't you dare call me that"
I turned around and looked at Sandi and she seemed okay with this. I'm so confused with all of this.

"Okay, stop Aubrey. Get in the house", I said while gripping his arm. 

He started to walk backwards, still giving Dennis a death glare. Once I got him in the house, I tried to calm him down.

"Babe, you have to calm down. I don't know why he's here, but there must be a reason"

"I don't want him here and how is my mom just sitting there with him?"

I looked up to see him getting mad all over again.

"I don't know..."

Less than 4 seconds passed and Dennis and Sandi walked in together. Once Sandi laid her eyes on Aubrey, a frown began to form.

"Honey, um your dad is here to help to share some news"
Aubrey and I furrowed our eyebrows waiting for the news. Sandi glanced at Dennis, waiting for him to finish.

"Yea, we are um getting...back together", he said looking away from Aubrey's glare.

**Should I continue this?**

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