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brmmbrmm. brmmbrmm. brmmbrmm.

Nathan grumbled as he searched for his phone underneath the pillow.

//6:34 ᵃᵐ//

Who the hell is calling this early?

// 🤙Homeskillet🍳 //

Nathan swiped up and put the phone next to his ear.

"Joey," Nathan said sleepily," it's 6 in the morn-" "Dude! You need to get on the first floor now!" Before Nathan could ask what was happening, the phone clicked. Nathan got out of bed, quickly put on a black tank top, and grabbed his baseball bat (just in case). He opened his door and ran down the hall. Nathan quickly turned into the next corridor and jogged down the staircase.

Once he got to the first floor, he started to speed walk towards Joey. "What is it?" Nathan asked, panting. "I-I think something's wrong with Katie, I heard thumping and crashing." Nathan looked over at the door, it appears that Joey had propped up a chair against the door knob. "I was coming downstairs to go get some water and then I heard noises coming from her room", Joey said quietly as he backed up towards the wall behind Nathan. "What's with the chair," Nathan asked as he was inspecting the door, "Were you trying to block it?" "Y-yeah I was... Never can be too careful.." Nathan gripped his bat, "I guess so.."

Carefully, Nathan removed the chair and sat it next to Joey. Before he entered, he knocked on the door. "Hey Katie? You alright in there?" There was no response.
"Katie??" This time he heard crashing. "Katie, I'm coming in!" Nathan held his bat close to him and started to slowly open the door. He quickly glanced behind him and saw Joey holding the chair ready to swing.

Nathan walked in quietly, his bat grasped tightly in his hands. He scanned her room, it was wrecked. Her sheets were on the other side of the room, away from her bed. Her books and papers were scattered all over the floor. Katie's CD stack was knocked over. He had always known Katie as a neat freak, seeing her room in such disorder made Nathan's stomach queasy, it was so unlike her.

Maybe she's on her period?? No that's stupid! Oh God, oh God, oh please don't be one of them! Please don't be a zombie!

Nathan moved towards her bathroom, where he could hear faint grunting and wheezing. The door was slightly ajar, but it wasn't enough to see Katie. He looked back at Joey, who was still holding the chair but now was in the bedroom doorway. Joey nodded at Nathan and got ready to run and swing at anything.

Quickly, Nathan jabbed at the door with the end of his bat. He flinched expecting a jumpscare or something. There was silence, and no sign of Katie, Nathan turned back around to Joey. "I don't see Katie, let's le-" "BEHIND YOU!!" Nathan pivoted and now saw a woman in the bathroom, grunting and yelling loudly, about to charge him.

Before Nathan could process what was happening, the woman tackled him full force, sending the bat out of his hand. She was on top of him, trying to get a bite out of his shoulder. Nathan held her face back while trying to grab his bat,"GET- OFF- OF ME!" He almost immediately gave up trying to reach it and used his hand to push against her neck.


Something struck against the side of the woman's head, sending her flying off of Nathan. He quickly rolled away and got up to his feet. Joey was hitting the girl with the chair, until she fell silent and her body went limp. After a moment of standing over the lady's body, Joey plopped on Katie's bed and buried his face in his hands. Nathan walked over to the dead body, crouching close to her. The girl's eyes were bloodshot and had no irises or pupils. She had brown, long hair. It was Katie alright, the round face, the necklace that had the cross on it, her small diamond earrings. It was her.

Nathan pulled the necklace off of Katie's neck and put it into his pocket.

Another one gone. I knew something was off when she returned from her scout mission. At least it's one less person, and one less mouth to feed.

Nathan walked over to Joey and sat next to him,"Ay.. JoJo... I'm sorry, I know you and Katie were good friends.." "I-it's fine.. Don't worry about me." Joey gave a weak smile and exited the room. Nathan sighed and got off the bed. He went over to the other side of the room and grabbed one of Katie's blankets. Nathan gently placed the blanket over her body.

Bye, Katie...

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