Chapter 11: Christmas fights

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"Two whole months of detention" (Y/n) said bitterly "and worse a life ban from Honeydukes. I never even got to go inside it!"

"Well you did set the store on fire" Hermione added, not looking up from her book.

"Yeah but I wasn't aiming at the store, I was aiming at Malfoy" (Y/n) said in defense.

"Well you couldn't tell McGonagall that, could you?" Hermione said closing her book

(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck "well that's were the second month came from" (Y/n) mumbled.

Ron and Harry doubled over in laughter Hermione looked astonished at his stupidity. "What?" Was all she was able to say.

"Well McGonagall told me that I was going to get a month of detention and I was lucky I wasn't getting in more trouble for arson, so I tried to explain myself and told her I was aiming for Malfoy, and well that's when she gave me another month of detention."

"How stupid can you be mate?" Ron laughed.

"I thought it'd help" (Y/n) pouted crossing his arms.

"Come on (Y/n) cheer up, it's not that bad. Let's go see Hagrid, that'll do you some good" Harry suggested.

"Can't I've got my first detention, you go though, don't let me hold you back."

(Y/n) walked through the halls and knocked on McGonagall's door and walked in.

"Mr. (L/n), good to see you, although I wish it was on better circumstances."

(Y/n) spent most of the day sorted fully transfigured needle from partially transfigured ones, and then transfiguring all of them back into match sticks. On a couple of occasions a needle that appeared to be transfigured would burst into flames.

After a few hours of this work, and a few minor burns, McGonagall let him go, and he headed back to the common room.

"We've got to help him" (Y/n) said to the others after they explained that Buckbeak was going to have an appeal.

"Come on Hermione we can help him" (Y/n) said jumping up from his chair.

"(Y/n) sit down it's late, we can start tomorrow"

"Is it?" (Y/n) asked confused and looked out the window "oh it is, wow detention was longer than I thought"

Soon the Christmas break was upon them l, and the four of them decided to stay at Hogwarts to help Hagrid with his case.

The majority's first their days were spent in front of the fire looking through old volumes of books, desperately trying to find something to help Hagrid.

"Oi wake up (Y/n)!"

"Are you gonna do this every Christmas Ronald?" (Y/n) groaned rolling over.

Ron ignored him he was too busy tearing open his presents. This year (Y/n) had gotten Ron a book about his favorite quidditch team.

He got Harry a broomstick care kit as a joke, which Harry didn't seem to enjoy that much, and a box of chocolate frogs.

As for Hermione he had gotten her a new bag, along with a scarf inside it.

He had also gotten Luna a pair radish earring that he thought she might like, and he had been able to find a remeberall for Neville.

"Here mum told me to give you this" Ron said chucking a present at Harry, and one at (Y/n). He unwrapped it and found another hand knitted jumper from Mrs. Weasley.

"Perfect! The other one was getting too small"

Harry and Ron had both gotten him some sweets, and Harry had bought him a muggle book about fire safety.

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