"we have a chemistry test today" nabi quickly rummaged through her bag - trying to find her schedule. when she opened her schedule, nabi facepalmed for forgetting that she has a test today

dohee only stared at the girl in front of her her who's deep in regret, "well you don't need to study anyway since you're einstein the second" nabi gave her a look before closing her schedule book

"i still need to go through my notes"
"you can do it during recess, chill nabi-ah" just when nabi was going to reply a weird noise struck which made her frozen

'what was that?'

nabi raised her head to look at dohee "hey did you hea-" then the noise struck again making nabi gasp at how loud it was.

suddenly the classroom was a bit dark with only the noon sun shining through the windows,

'it's noon already?'

dohee turned around to question nabi about the test, "what do you mean how did i do on the test?" nabi furrowed her eyebrows at dohee's question

"why are you questioning me back?" now it's dohee's turn to look confused, "i-isn't the test later at noon?"

"it's noon already and we just finished the te- are you sick nabi-ah?" dohee stretched her hand out to feel nabi's temperature but got her hand swatted away.

"n-no i'm not sick, but it was just morning seconds ago..?" nabi's tone made it seem more like a question

"what's wrong with nabi?" renjun, her other best friend approached the two girls from his desk, "i don't know, she's acting weird" dohee replied with concern decorating her words

"you okay nabi-ah?" nabi only sat quietly before brushing off her thoughts, "i-i guess" she packs her stuff before standing up, "let's go dohee-ah" dohee slowly stand up before following the girl

renjun shrugged before following them. just when the trio was about to leave the classroom, they halted because of the scene in front of them. a girl was on the ground trying to clean up the mess on the floor with a boy standing in front of her with his hands inside his pockets as an annoyed look was seen on his face

"what's happening?" dohee whispered which got a shrug from nabi, "you got my uniform dirty as well" chenle said coldly as the girl who nabi recognized as saeron stood up while holding a box with all of the stuff that was spilled earlier

"i-i'll clean it for you" chenle scoffed which made saeron more nervous. nabi who was annoyed at the scene in front of her slowly walked towards chenle.

"can't you just finish this elsewhere?" chenle raised his brow at her,

"no i mean everyone's pilling up here, i just wanna go home without pushing people around for god's sake" nabi crossed her arms on her chest until hands tried to grab her shoulders trying to move her backwards

"let's just go quietly nabi-ah" she heard renjun whispered in her ear. she brushed him off before turning to saeron, "use your eyes when you walk so this won't happen again" even though her words were sharp and cold but her tone wasn't

"and you," nabi turned her focus towards chenle again, "just let her be, it's only a uniform and i'm sure you got heaps of money to buy another one" then nabi walked off with dohee and renjun following her

"wow you're so cool nabi-ah" dohee commented as she clinged to nabi's arm as they walked through the crowd that opened a way for them. "yeah that was cool of you" renjun added which made nabi shrugged.

"good thing my heart didn't act up or it'll be embarrassing" nabi sighed which made the two people beside her laughed. "should we eat some tteokbokki today?" renjun suggested which made the two girls ecstatic

"you're paying" the two girls said at the same time which made renjun sigh before nodding. "the things i do for these two women" he shook his head as he let his body being dragged by them

i will very much appreciate you if you vote + comment on each chapter because i worked really hard on writing it

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i will very much appreciate you if you vote + comment on each chapter because i worked really hard on writing it. at least a vote from each and one of you will really make me happy

so don't be a silent reader and have fun reading this story!!

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