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lucas' POV

i was hanging out with emma and yann. all three of us haven't hung out together in a while, so we decided to go back to the good old days and just have us three hang out. we were at the abandoned skateboard park that we haven't been to since the first year of high school. we were trying to get back our skateboarding skills, and even though we were only in our mid-twenties, it felt as though as we were already eighty... so doing these tricks that we did back in high school seemed a little out of our league.

as i tried to do a kickflip, i stumbled, and hurt my ankle. it hurt, but it didn't hurt as much as how weird it felt. maybe i just sprained it. emma and yann came rushing over, asking me if i was okay but were laughing at the same time.

"guys, help me up." i said, and they immediately helped me up. i tried walking, but my ankle felt really weird and there was a small sharp pain- it didn't really hurt, but like... it hurt. i definitely sprained it.

"uh, guys?" i turned to them, "take me to the hospital."

"just call eliott, he'll pick you up and treat you at home." emma suggested.

"i told you that he's working right now, dumbass." i said.

"okay, but, who wanna bet that eliott is gonna be the one to help lucas again?" yann says.

"shut up. it's probably gonna be manon or some other person." i rolled my eyes.

they finally brought me to the hospital. i've always hated hospitals because they scare the shit out of me. there's been so many lives being born and so many lives being lost in this place. we went up to the receptionist, as i was visibly limping.

we explained our situation, and as embarrassing as it was to explain that a man in his mid-twenties tried skateboarding, i couldn't really find a good excuse.

"well- dr. demaury will be with you. what was your last name again?" the lady asked.

"demaury." i replied awkwardly.

"oh! you're eliott's- dr. demaury's husband! right. you're lucky that your own husband is gonna be helping you. he'll be with you in a moment." the lady says.

emma, yann, and i both stared at each other, trying not to laugh. a few moments go by, and i hear footsteps coming down from the hallway. i turned around and there stood eliott, giving me a look.

"what'd you do this time?" eliott asked, saying loud enough for everyone else to hear that this wasn't the first time i came to visit, and probably not the last. my cheeks went red. i'm going to get him back later.

"my ankle is fucked." i responded, and everyone in the waiting room looked at me. yeah, not appropriate language. my cheeks went redder.

"okay, come with me." eliott says.

i start following him, limping as usual. eliott turned around, "oh shit. i forgot you said your ankle is fucked. here, lemme help." eliott then proceeded to pick me up, embarrassing me again in front of everyone who was around, tossing me over his shoulder so my butt was in the air.

"eliott!" i yelled.

"what? i'm being helpful." eliott says. i can hear the smile in his voice.

we finally got to his office, and he sits me down on the stupid bed thing. eliott sits on his spinning chair, pushing it so he's closer to me. he then proceeds to check out my ankle.

"you know if you carry me around like that and not be professional, then you're probably gonna get fired." i said.

"they won't fire me. they love me." eliott smirked.

"are you sure they only love you for you and how helpful you are, or do they only love you because you're a hot doctor?" i asked.

"oh shut the fuck up. you're the only one who thinks that." eliott rolls his eyes.

"didn't you tell me that an eighteen year old girl tried hitting on you the other day and you heard her in the waiting room talking about how hot you are?" i said.

"oh. yeah... oops." eliott says.

we quickly did a x-ray scan on my ankle. we tried doing it as quick as possible. "oh, yeah. your ankle is definitely sprained. what'd you do?" eliott looks at me.

"i- um, was hanging out with emma and yann." i said, not wanting to go into detail. he'll make fun of me for this for the rest of our lives.


"i tried skateboarding again." i said.

"oh, you are a bright one." eliott rolled his eyes.

"shut up! at least i'm not like thirty yet. it's still cool to skateboard at this age." i said.

"yeah, yeah. keep telling yourself that." eliott stood up.

"i hate you." i said.

"then that means i love you more." eliott winked at me.

"can you two stop flirting? we're at work." manon said, popping her head in,

"why are you listening to us?" i asked.

"uh, my office is right next door." manon says, "and you guys talk really loud- and emma told me that you're here." manon says, "anyways, i hate a patient to treat. bye!" she leaves.

"did she just stop her appointment with a patient just to come shut us up?" i said.

"she's done it before. my patients tend to be loud." eliott chuckled.

"damn." i say, "i still can't believe i sprained my ankle... just from skateboarding."

"imagine skateboarding in your mid-twenties." eliott says, handing me an ice pack.

"you're sleeping on the couch tonight." i replied, "i mean it, bitch."

feel free to request words! i'll try my best to write oneshots based off the words you suggest. this is just a fun little thing i'd like to try when i'm bored or when i have no motivation to write my other stories! anyways, hope you enjoyed <3

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