No fear

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This post is why I made the ship Estebalena or Esteban x Elena from Elena of Avalor

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This post is why I made the ship Estebalena or Esteban x Elena from Elena of Avalor. Love doesn't have to make sense it's just there. Love it or hate it Estebalena is something special to me. Creating this ship was the best thing I ever did. Estebalena represents love, caring, acceptance, honesty, family, loyalty, trust, comfort, betrayal, redemption. Everything that this ship stands for is why I try to stand out. I don't try to follow the crowd. I make my own path and if people follow me then that's fine. If no one comes along that's okay too. Estebalena isn't about hate or causing trouble it's about love. Pure love No longer am I afraid to post Estebalena I will hold my head held high and post the ship that I love so dearly#Estebalena#EstebalenaForever

To Avalor ~ Elena Of AvalorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora