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Later than evening yeji found herself gaping up at one of the most luxurious apartment building in the entire city, yeji can't help but to wonder if they'll even let her in ash she approach the doorman.

Uh hello. This is  going to sound crazy,but Shin Ryujin invited me here for a job interview -yeji said hoping they will believe her

Yes, I'be been expecting you,  you can go rigth up to the penthouse suite , good luck - said the doorman.

Yeji gulp as the elevetor doors shut behind her. She can't believe that place might actually be her home .. if all goes well.
I can't get ahead of myself. I've got to stay focused, I will just think about my interview answer - yeji said to herself to try to control herself .

The door on the elevator open, letting yeji out into the palatial penthouse  suite.... and directly in the path of twin boys wielding foam swords .
Intruder at the castle gates! Ready your horses,boys!-one of the boys say
Aye,ready we be,charge!-the other one say
Whoa-yeji was supridsed but still manage to grab a sword a fight back to them
Think again , soldiers -yeji said while smiling

Arggg!,you'll never get the best of caption yeji-yeji said to them
Whoa ,admiral mason, she can fight -one of them said
That why you gotta stick to the battle  plan,admiral Mickey - mason said
Pshh,where's the fun in that- Mickey said

Oh yeji , I didn't hear you come in! Boys give her some space . We don't  want to send her running - Ryujin
But mom, we were gonna bring her straight to you! She look like a lost princess or something - mason said
It just a new pitido but thank you- yeji said while smiling to mason
Mason,Mickey apologize now-Ryujin said to them .
Sorry , yeji- Mason said
Yeah sorry-Mickey said
...close Enough -Ryujin

Yeji nods aware of Ryujin gaze on her. Yeji studiously turn her attention back to the twins .

First thing first.Have you brushed your teeth since dinner?-yeji ask
I'm on it- mason said running to the bathroom
Aw,come on lady . I hate brushing my teeth . Mint taste gross-Mickey said while sitting on the couch
But Mickey don't you want mason to win, do you?-yeji ask - he's already got a considerable jump up on you.unless.... maybe you are okay with him being the fastest ?

No way I'm going rigth now -Mickey said while running to the Bathdroom

Nicely done-Ryujin said while smiling

I'm just getting started-Yeji

Ten minutes later,yeji settled another argument over who gets to wear the red pajamas and what be times story to read. Finally yeji finished the boys in bed, then step back so Ryujin can finally say goodnight .

I like yeji, mom- mason said with a big smile 
Yeah,can we keep her?-Mickey ask whiles smiling too.
We'll se boys,sweet dream-Ryujin said while giving them a kiss in the head .

As yeji and ryujin return to the den,Ryujin  give yeji a impressed smile.
No one has ever  been able to put the boys  down like that on the first try .I normally have to step in and negotiate a deal.
Well,I have something the others don't have..chemistry -yeji said
Their eyes lock for too long,the tension simmering in the aire between them,finally ryujin chuckles.

That's try I haven't interviewed anyone else with a chemistry degree, follow me I want to show you something -ryujin said while smiling

Yeji walk behind her past a home office , and her eyes linger on what she see inside, it was a framed photo .
Is that Sam ?who is with her?-yeji ask herself
Yeji glance away and her gaze lock with Ryujin ,yeji smiled sheepishly.
Sorry, I wasn't trying to snoop. It just caught my eye -yeji said a little bit shy
No news to apologize.-ryujin said
Ryujin motions for yeji to follow her further down  the hall. She lead her into a bedroom.
That's when yeji start to think the images from her dream that morning .

Yeji,did you hear me?,if you want the job is yours . You can move into your room tomorrow-Ryujin said
Really?,omg,thank you!!-yeji said since she was so happy she impulsively throw her arms around Ryujin in a elated hug,that when she realize she can feel every inch of her body along hers,she flushed but still she indulged that time, she press body to her,inhaling her scent.

I hope you will excuse me Ryujin. It just...this opportunity means so munch to me-yeji said while she step back,and ryujin offer her hand with a gentle smile .
Think nothing of it. And, considering  we'll be sharing such close quarter .-Ryujin said

The next morning yeji have almost pack everything when she lock her eyes with her best friend chaeryeong.
Anyway,the money great ,the kid are great and Ryujin is.....great. It is basically a great way to kill time while i figure out what to do post- grad.-yeji said
I get it,the biotech billionaire is "great".but how hot is she?-chaeryeong ask with curiosity - like on a scale of clothes fresh from the dryer to  I'm chugging tabasco,she's ...

Chaeryeong she is Tabasco ...those eyes....that hair to mention the body on this woman. She my boss though .so nothing going to happend-yeji said while blushing
I have to se this for myself -chaeryeong grabs her phone and does a quick search- damm she's a dreamy .looking gorgeous  at this charity ball,looking gorgeous shaking  hand with our senator. Oh! Look ,Star gossip just added a new alert about her." Billionaire Shin Ryujin is tying the knot?!

Wait what ?!-yeji said in shook
Chaeryeong show her phone in undeniable black and white yeji read the breaking news.

....ryujin engaged?!-yeji said while still not believing it

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