Finally there

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((A/n) I am soooo sorry I didn't upload Monday! You see I wasn't allowed my tablet Monday, Tuesday and  Wednesday. I will be uploading a bunch of stories today because I'm home sick from school. The minimum amount I will upload today is 1 story. Hope y'all are having a terrific day... BC I sure am not)

(After school)

'Finally schools over' I thought to myself as I go to my locker and grab my bag, I swing it over my back and rush to my big brothers daycare. As I was running I run into pallete... Like actually ran into him and fell over... Anywho "(Y/n)?? What are you doing?" He questions while getting up from the ground. "Well... You know PJ my bro?" I say whilst also getting up from the ground. "yea?" He replied as he brushed some dust off him, "well I am gonna work at the daycare he owns!" I say proudly "oh, me to" says pallete, "cool wanna walk there together?" I suggest hoping he'll say yes. "Sure!" He says, we both start to head to the daycare.

(At Pj's daycare)

I say my goodbyes to pallete as I put my bag in a little box thing with my name on it... 'what even is this?' I question myself in my head as I move towards the entrance of the daycare. I knock once... Twice... Three times until I hear a distant "COMING!!!" 'probably PJ' I thought to myself as I stood and waited outside the daycare.

((A/n) sorry that's it for now, but look at the ADORABLE pic of ink I found. Awwwww. Anyways I will upload another story after I do my online work. Hope someone actually is like.... You know reading this...  Maybe I just have to be idk PATIENT... But I'm not good at that sooo yea... Have a nice day)

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