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Walking into the bullpen with Hailey, I noticed the other's were gone. Most likely trying to find leads. Sitting at one of the desks, I plugged the usb into the computer. With Hailey bringing a chair over to sit next to me.

After a few seconds I was met with an encryption software. Biting my lip, I started typing a certain code my girl Garcia taught me to break most encryptions. "Where did you learn that".

At the thought of the crazy queen herself, I smiled brightly. "We have this technical analyst, she is the most energetic and brilliant hacker I have ever met. She is the mind behind the operation of finding out data and information. She taught me some things".

Noticing the encryption starting to break down, I wanted to cheer in victory. Searching through the whole drive, I located a ghost folder. Smirking to myself, I opened it quickly,only for my smirk to fall off instantly. What we found was definitely a reason to hide the usb.

There were a few photos but enough to show a murder taking place. Clicking through them all, I could tell Hailey wasn't use to seeing something as gruesome with the way she flinched with each photo. "Why don't you tell Voight, I will try to get facial recognition.". A faint look of appreciation flashed through her eyes as she went to inform the boss man what we found.

Doing what I said would pulling up facial recognition, I watched the program circled through millions of people. Hearing footsteps approach the desk, I moved out of the way slightly so he could see the pictures, only I could tell he has seen something similar, the way his jaw clenched and recognition popped in his eye. "Where did you find these".

"I found the usb at the Kravenson house, it was hidden behind a picture...". Flickering my eyes towards the blonde, I held a look of hesitation. Was I not supposed to go to crime scene? With a small shrug of her shoulders, I looked back to Voight.

"Once you get a hit, text Halstead to pick him up". Giving a slow, hesitant nod, I watched him walk away.

"I don't have anyone's number" I finally spoke out after a few seconds causing the blonde to chuckle softly. Handing her my phone, I let the woman put everyone's number in. Going through the pictures once again, I searched for identifying markers which I didn't find any for the unsub or the John Doe in the picture, but the background I did find.

As I was about to ask Hailey, footsteps came up the stairs belonging to Ruzek and Atwater. "Woah, where did you find these."

"Our Vics house. Do you guys know where this is, I'm not exactly familiar with Chicago yet". Walking closer to the the monitor to get a better look, Kevin started nodding his head.

"That looks like the old warehouse on the corner of Kingston. It's in an abandoned district, not a lot happens there but drug deals from time to time".

With a grateful look, I leaned back in the chair to the point where I could see the screen and the crime board. We were missing something, and our next lead was in the facial recognition. Interviewing suspects was the key to any case, the way they react to the evidence, the charge that got them arrested.

Behavioral tells show if they are tense, nervous, or even purely shocked. Only the best way to get into their head was by digging through their past. Some people don't have tragic backstories, but they do have a sore subject that will cause them to snap. Once you figure that out, you could use it to your advantage, something I know all to well.

Hearing a ping come from the computer, I let out a sigh of relief as I had found a match. Quickly running his name through a database Garcia created to get records quickly, I sent a text to Jay.
K: Hey it's Keenan. There is a guy we need you to bring in. Blake Wilkins, LKA: 251 Brighton Lane.

With a simple response in return, I knocked on Voight's door. A raspy, deep voice sounded through the door, causing me to open it enough to talk to him without disturbing him fully. "I just sent Jay to pick up our suspect. Name's Blake Wilkins, I'm currently going through his records."

Closing the door once I saw him nod in acknowledgement, I started to type away once again only for the blonde detective to pop up next to me, at this point becoming my mini sidekick. Seemingly interested in what I was doing, I moved over a little so she can see the screen better. "I don't know how you guys go about interrogating, but what my old unit did was go through the past, try to figure out what could have caused them to snap. Once we find the cause, we use it to break down the unsubs wall, cause them to slip up"

"Did you do a lot of interrogating". Turning away from the screen to face the woman, I shook my head smiling.

"I was more of a kick down the door person. I usually coordinate and enter with swat when time calls for going into unknown situations".

"Damn, talk about a powerhouse". Grinning at one another, I showed her a few more things that could be used for interrogations, when Jay and Kim walked back into the bullpen.

Catching them up to speed on what we found, we all started to throw out scenarios on what could have went down. Bouncing back and forth, and running off of one another to try to find a solid motive, I just couldn't help but feel that something was missing. "Why couldn't we find pictures at the house"

Silence filled the room as everyone looked at me, confused. "When Hailey and I searched the house, we couldn't find a single photo. If I was a photographer, there would be proofs everywhere, camera equipment, a laptop but there was nothing. I think they were searching for the flash drive"

"Only they couldn't find it so they grabbed all the photos and equipment Try to hide the fact he was a photographer at all. Staged the body". Hearing Jay finish the statement for me, I felt a little bit proud of myself. That someone was able to understand my thought process, and fill in the rest of the missing pieces.

Repeating the thought process to Voight, he gave the order for Adam and Kevin to interview him, wanting to see how he would react. Following everyone to the viewing room, I handed Kev the folder with everything Hailey and I could find.

Watching through the two way mirror, I studied Mr. Blake's body language. To the human eye, he looks like he was annoyed by the whole situations, all by how he was slouched in the chair, and pursed lips. Looking closer, I could tell he was more tense. His shoulders were a little bit more stiff then they should be if truly relaxed. Arms crossed, fingers tapping in an unevenly manner, he was doing his best to maintain a calm composure, but it would surely break with the right information. Everyone breaks at some point.

Author Note
Hey guys!! I have no clue how you like the book so far, but hopefully it is enjoyable. I'm actually having a lot of fun writing it, although it is definitely tougher because some people don't trust FBI agents. That's why I have the others being on edge around her, to show case it.

I'm living for the friendship between Hailey and Keenan. I just feel like Hailey would know that she is trustworthy and want her to feel welcomed.

Now I did put something in there about Keenan working with the SWAT, I thought it would be easier for Elijah and her to meet. She really is different from her brother because she definitely is a person to break through doors and put her life on the line. Though I can say Spence Reid turns into a nervous wreck each time his sister runs into a building with swat.

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