Chapter 8 ~ here we go again

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Bloodrose and Killswitch immediately came into my room and tried to break up the others but then my dad walked and almost got socked in the eye.

"WOAH!!" He said as he ducked.

I got up and went over to him.

"Sorry dad," I said as I shook my head.

"It's alright? Is everything okay?" He says as he looks at the others.

I shrugged.

"Hm...alright well uh I'm going to the agency and I wanted to see if you needed a ride," he says as he looked the others who were still fighting.

I looked at him.

"Please," I said.

He chuckled and nodded I grabbed my bag and said.

"Guys my dad is taking me to the agency".

"Okay!" said Killswitch as she tried to pull Nightmare off of Royal.

"Dude she's pregnant get off!!" Bloodrose says as she helped.

I shook my head and left with my dad.

"So how was school," he says as he leaves the driveway.

I told him everything and he shook his head.

"Kids these days," he says as he turns.

I laughed and so did he. We arrived and entered but my dad had to leave.

"Your leaving?? But we just got here?" I said confused.

"I forgot I have other things to do," he says as he checked his watch.

"Alright.." I said giving him a look.

He hugs me and leaves. I went to my locker and put on my training gear but my thoughts came back to me. Ever since I saw the fight it's been tense with the others and they wouldn't speak to my dad and I couldn't ask why because I know they would probably say it's nothing...I sighed and went to the training area. There was a boxing ring and Mimic was in it practicing so I went up to her.

"Hey," I said.

She looks at me.

"Hey Varrow," she says with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and we decided to box.

I was able to dodge every hit and I could tell she was getting frustrated then she pulled out her long sword and ran towards me I didn't know what to do because I didn't have my bow. I pulled out my dagger which was short but it was something. She tried to cut me in half but then I stabbed her in the leg and she fell.

" win," she says as she holds her leg.

I laughed.

"Cmon let's get you to the clinic," I said as I gave her my hand.

She grabbed it and hopped since the clinic wasn't that far I didn't have to carry her. We entered and I help her to the bed the doctor came over and patched her up. Meanwhile I went over to the other room and some girls were still there...I had completely forgotten about what happened to them...I looked and saw Kimona still laying there her short black hair was now long and she looked sick.

I sighed and left I couldn't keep looking at them...

"She will need some rest so she'll stay here," the doctor says.

I nodded and looked a Mimi who was asleep. I left and I saw Bloodrose.

"Hey wheres Alina I need to ask her something," I said.

She looks at me and I already knew where Killswitch was I so I said bye and went down to the torture chamber. As I got there I opened the door a crack and saw Killswitch beating the hell out of Mari.

"I-Is..that all y-you got..bitch" said Mari as she was breathing heavily.

Killswitch was about to hit her again until she turned and saw me.

"Hey do you need something?" She asks.

"Uh, I'll ask later," I said as I looked at Mari.

Killswitch nodded and went back to what she was doing. I went back upstairs and Nightmare came over to me.

"Cmon V let's train," said ightmare.

I nodded and we went outside to go shoot some targets. She handed me my bow and I aimed at the targets and I hit them all.

"Alright now you have to shoot at moving targets," she says as she clicks the button.

The targets started moving and I was able to only shoot five out of seven.

"Hmm," I said frustrated.

"You need to focus," said Nightmare with her hands behind her back.

She went up and removed the arrows and turned it on again this time I focus and pictured the targets as the people I hated the most.

"Okay okay you got them!!" said Nightmare as she broke me from my thoughts.

She patted my back and we were about to go inside but we felt like someone was there and we turned.

"Who do you think it is" I whispered to Nightmare.

But she wasn't there and I looked up she was in a tree but then she jumped down and tackled the person and it was...

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