Chapter 4

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Angel POV Cont.

Carlisle lead the way leaving Eddie and Jasper to follow suit until we went inside the office.

I walked to his plaque of Venice where he stood with 3 people and examined the picture, it was beautifully done by the artist, who was trying to capture the unimaginable beauty of reality on to paper.

"Ah Italy Venice to be exact painted by thee Michael Angelo" Carlisle smiled standing next to me.

I took in his features he looked so young probably in his mid-twenties his Platinum blonde hair combed back into a perfect hairstyle not a single hair out of place, his pale white skin glowed under the fluorescent light giving him a surreal beauty, his honey coated eyes sparkled like amber diamonds and his face was lit up like 1000watt bulb with his huge smile reminiscing a time from the past.

I looked away the past was so easily lost and no one could get it back I thought bitterly and only things that remains are the once was and has been memories. I heard a throat clear, wondering where I should start I asked "What has Zane told you?

"Not much only that Michael is no longer hear with you, as I said I'm very sorry he was a dear friend" Carlisle replied

I nodded "Did Zane tell you how he died?'

"No, only that it was accidental fire"

I laughed bitterly "Accidental huh, Carlisle do you really think a pure blooded Vampire like my Father would die from an accidental fire? No Carlisle my Father was murdered" I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"What are your next moves Angel? He spoke softly

"I came on a final errand for my Father I am to give you this letter and then I will leave" as I said this I took out the envelope my father had given me seconds before his death and handed it to Carlisle.

"you can choose to let you family read it if you want it doesn't matter to me, but I have a request can you let Zane stay with you until he gets his own place, I have no need of him where I am going and if you need money I'll send it to you"

"Angel, Zane is most welcome, as are you, we will conduct Michael last rites tomorrow at least stay until then" Carlisle spoke with sincerity

"Thanks but no thanks, I never got along with the old man I doubt he'd want me attend his funeral Goodbye Uncle Carlisle" I moved towards the door and before shutting I whispered

"I'm Sorry"

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