Chapter 2

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A.N: Picture Above is Angel

Zane POV

I was stunned Forks huh? I knew father said he had friends there but I didn't think to go there. I looked at Angel curious to know what brought the change in her behaviour. She just shrugged at me answering my question before it came out of my mouth. I just nodded "okay but we'll need to go to the city and get tickets and some money, and you'll need to get topped on blood" I said

"No, you'll go in to the city and catch the first flight to Washington and then the next flight to port Angeles and then I'll meet you there, and I won't drink it I don't need to" She spoke

'What then how are you going to' I started to say "Swimming" she answered I opened my mouth and closed it like a goldfish gasping for air.

"you can't what happens when you run out of energy" I shouted "are you insane"

She just looked at me calmly and spoke "it's safer this way because those people could still be looking and they'll be looking for two people, if they find me I can easily beat them and also I won't run out of energy I'll keep myself topped up and I can't die anyways so that's not an issue either" she crossed her arms around her chest and gave me the I am far superior than you look.

"Fine" I groaned, "how are you going to keep in touch with me "

"I'll meet you at the Cullen's house just ask someone in town where they live." She answered back "Anymore questions?" she asked I just huffed and walked away and getting ready to prepare our trip.

It was nearly 8am when I arrived in Parris, my flight was in an hour's time I would reach DC by 2-3 hours' tops since I was flying direct without any stops, Port Angeles in another hour so I would be in Forks by nightfall or early morning. Forks I never imagined I would be heading to that little town, I wondered where Angel was, she had left before I got up and well I was worried about her. DING DONG BONJOUER CAN ALL PASSENGERS FLYING AA143 FLYING TO WASHINGTON DC START TO BOARD NOW I got up went to board the plane my last thought was on Angel and where in the world can she be.

Angels POV

The scenery was beautiful in countryside France, lavish greenery and the sky was such a pretty blue, the perfect picture to paint, any other time I would have sat down and basked in the glory of mother nature but now it was like a glass screen had gone in front of my eyes and nothing was the same anymore. I knew I can leave Zane the letter and make him go to the Cullen's and leave him and everything behind, but I couldn't this was my father's last request so here I was standing at the edge of a cliff viewing the picturesque landscape one last time before I plunged myself in to the world of water. Forks here I come I thought plunging in to the cold depths of the ocean.

Swimming wasn't so bad when you didn't need to breath, with swift strong strokes I gradually made it to a group of islands called Azores, I knew I should take a break before I swam again it had been early morning when I had started now I could clearly feel the midday heat. I had lost too much time dawdling around in France but I needed the provisions, hmmm maybe taking a 5 min brake to rest up would be good, I took out the belt wrapped around my waist taking out a bag of food I started snacking while staying afloat, I looked underneath and I saw I had attracted a school of salmons they were beautiful with their gleaming scales and underneath those scales I could smell the blood pounding inside , don't think about it Angel, I looked away but soon realised if the salmon were here so would be the humans who tend to be around schools of fish as they were hunted. I packed my food away and was about to begin swimming again when I was suddenly caught unaware by a huge tidal wave, making me lose my bearings I grappled my hands flailing up as I began sinking.

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