We meet for the first time

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Mia's POV
I was walking down the street like any other day when some man was in a hurry and he bumped into me we both fell to the floor. I got up and asked are you ok I helped him up when suddenly he ran off I was so confused I screamed "you're papers" but it was too late he was already gone. I kept the papers, but I remembered that I had to meet Gabriel ( Dad) for an important meeting he wanted me to go with him so I left in a hurry. Finally I get to where the meeting was going to take place when Gabriel's assistant noticed that my dress was dirty I look up and Gabriel was looking at me. He walks up to me pulls me by my hand and tells his assistant to get me another outfit. We leave and I get my other outfit when I walk out the meeting had already started I have a seat next to Gabriel and we were there for about 3 hours than finally we leave and Gabriel says not only were you late you also didn't look presentable. I just looked at him while he judged me and he says "you are such a disappointment to the family". I didn't say anything because after a while you get used to the harsh words and things Gabriel says. We were on our way home when suddenly the stranger I bumped into in the morning was walking and he looked miserable.
Kim namjoon POV
It was early in the morning and I was in a rush to go to the gig that me and the boys were going to sing at when suddenly I bumped into some chick we both ended up on the floor. She got up and than asked if I was ok and before I could say anything it hit me I was running late for the gig so I ran as fast as I could than I got to the gig ,the boys ask for the papers than that's when it hit me !! I lost the damn papers when I fell to floor with that one chick. The boys were mad at me for losing the papers I went back to try and find the girl but she was long gone. We weren't able to sing and we begged the owner of the place to let us sing for about 3hrs but he didn't let us. So we left,but on my way home the weirdest thing happened while I was walking the chick I bumped into me was in a car with a politician named Gabriel,I started to think that maybe they were an item so I looked at her weird, but than she started to wave the papers I lost. I immediately start running after the car but she didn't stop so I stoped chasing the car and gave up.

To be continued

Authors words: hey guys this is my first time writing a story and it's kinda crappy but I'd gladly take advice on how to improve ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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