3 - i'm airbender now and have big pp energy

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(note: short chapter, long chapter name)

and that's it they died WAIT THEY ARE ALIVE? GEORGE USES HIS BENDER POWERS (note: he has all bender powers now) AND SAVES DREAM

"You saved me you sexy beast" said dream
and so then they did more.. uh... stuff.

It was hot and sexy and they were both shook and shooketh and shooked and a lil turned on (note: they like each other so much they cant stop looking at eachother rn)

They kiss until night and then remember that dreams mom (who also will be georges brother in law whether she likes or not) is still alive

But then they remembered that they didn't even make it official.

"Hey dream do u wanna be my boyfriend?" george said

"Um no" dream replied and ran into the forest

"Why not hot smexy boy" george ran after him to ask

"my momma will hate me" dream replies

"She suc anyway just kiss me bro" george said

"Ok bro 1000 homo" said dream
And then a bear killed george while they were making out

The end... or is it?

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